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Activate tactics for selected character ?


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Is it possible to modify the scripts so that the tactics are activated for the selected character ? Because its just so ****** boring to do always the same repetitive clicks. I'm sure its easy to do, I've just got no idea how to do it. :confused:
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Yeah, it'd be a good option to have even the selected character attacking according to his/her tactics (modders?) without the hand holding.


I've gotten the tactics (thanks to the 25 extra slots option included in the Mutator mod on Nexus) down to the point where most battles need very little micromanaging.

Even blood magic can be dealt with quite readily and efficiently with enough tactics slots, so I'd rather, at this point, just watch most battles and pat myself of the back

for setting up each character's tactics to the point where they're kicking ass on their own.


Damn good question though... the irritation is growing in having to 'control' at least one character once the tactics have been tinkered with enough to make the party an efficient killing machine.

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