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visible rain impact on water


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I know F3 water is slightly different than Oblivions', but I'd swear the mod I have running in Elder scrolls for weather, includes the visual effect of the raindrops striking the surface of the water nearby.


Is this missing in the mod lists for F3 for a technical reason? (Has this question been asked a million times before??)


or....has it simply not worked it's way into the enhanced weather mods that are the most popular for the wastelands?



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This effect was attempted by cakester making rain with collision. The reason it never worked was because he couldn't get enough collision particles in the players view at any given time without it lagging badly. So as of right now its a broken concept with no future in sight.


Here's the topic http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showto...=collision+rain

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