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Armors & Weapons


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Not sure if anyone made this very request or similiar, couldn't find anything of it though... But is there a chance that someone would be willing to try and make some Darkspawn armors aswell as Barbarian armors, like leather outfits decorated with fur or bones... and Mage outfits other than robes, such as some nice clothed pants/shirts with bonuses on?


Also if possible, increase the drop rate on Darkspawn weapons.... maybe even make a few that actually has enchantment slots on?

There are such weapons in the game, but they are quite rare, but i find them looking really awsome.


The Darkspawn armors would be really fitting for those who plays a Beserker or Reaver, a more matching look for one who wish to be more evul than others :P


I would probably take on this myself, but don't have the time to get myself into such a project.


Personally, i would definatly like to see the Hurlok Alpha armor set available for use, can't help but loving the design of thta armor.

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Yeah, seen it too, but not quite what i meant... Don't know how to explain it, but those outfits from that mod, the clothes looks too fancy and formal.... I'm after clothes that are less formal, less fancy and more adventurous fitting types of clothing. If that makes any sense... :P
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Haha, thanks for the suggestion though :P But yeah, i guess i have a different view on how a warrior should look like... they should have made the warrior class into a knight instead... as you dont get much of a choice other than to be a noble in the game as a human, and all the warrior armors are pretty much leaning closer to knight armors than classical warrior armor. But i guess thats just my opinion... I sure hope someone will start making more barbaric/viking like armors, that would be awsum.

As for the mage outfits, never really read anywhere in novels about mages running around with fancy gold decorated silk clothes when adventuring in dungeons or dangerous areas :P Somehow that doesnt seem like a fitting outfit xD

But i could be wrong... >.>

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I am sure there will be something like this, give it a little time the game isnt out very long and the toolset is very complicated compared to other ones from what i readed. Good things take time.


I hope you get your warrior look and if it is enough conan like i would try it out myself too i guess ;)


And mages need funny hats... oh right they allready have them in DA ;D

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Oh don't get me started on the mages hats.... I refuse to wear em on my mage thats for sure :P

What happned to the old fashion hooded robes and the classical wizard cone hats? 0.o

And the templar armor.... A plated robe if you ask me, can't imagine running around in a long skirt would be less than annoying in melee fights :P

Anyways, i know the game is still new and the toolset is complex, so i don't expect anything to be made anytime soon... Used to mod some myself, so I know such work takes time >.>

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