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OOO Fast Travel Remove?


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After installing OOO version 1.3 and patches 1.32 and 1.33.

They seem to remove all town landmarks so you cant fast travel there I guess?

However I don't like that option and is wondering if anyone knows how to place them back

But keeping the rest of what OOO does?

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After installing OOO version 1.3 and patches 1.32 and 1.33.

They seem to remove all town landmarks so you cant fast travel there I guess?

However I don't like that option and is wondering if anyone knows how to place them back

But keeping the rest of what OOO does?


im pretty sure its an option in the install process, ...reinstall OOO and this time do not remove them,,i think its one of the pop ups.

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It happens after the patch 1.32, I did try and check off "Map Markers Stock" in the Misc Options on a Lite installation.

But that only recovers some of the map markers not all...

I wanna know if I can use OOO while retaining all the map markers like original.

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It happens after the patch 1.32, I did try and check off "Map Markers Stock" in the Misc Options on a Lite installation.

But that only recovers some of the map markers not all...

I wanna know if I can use OOO while retaining all the map markers like original.

It's meant to be that way for realism purposes.


Otherwise you can use the console to add map markers, but that will give you every map marker in the game which destroys the immersion of finding things yourself.


type in the console and press enter:

tmm 1


To reverse it type:

tmm 0


Although I found reversing it doesn't always work.


I use this process when I'm testing my own mods so I don't have to spend ages going to the area I need.


There may be other mods that will restore the map markers if you search Tesnexus using "Map Marker" as key words perhaps, but they would have to be loaded after OOO to work.

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