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How do i make a pressure plate that when i step on it ,it activates another one??

because im trying to make something like in the gold ribbon grocers.Below is the gold ribbon setup



* Pressure plate triggering log-with-skull

* ...triggering a long line of Abraxo Cleaner, Detergent, and Sugar Bombs as dominoes

* ...triggering a Pressure Plate

* ...triggering a Pitching Machine

* ...that eventually pushes down a fire extinguisher on a Bear Trap

* ...which explodes, causing a Grenade Bouquet to fall down and explode

* ...setting fire to the gas cloud, which will seek its way to the second floor

* ...shaking a kid's slider to drop its contents down the hole!


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That gold ribbon setup (rube goldberg) uses physical items to activate the others. But you can activate a second Activator by adding abit of code to the first. The second trap needs to have an Editor ID and it needs to be persistent in order to use it in a script. So, lets say you have two traps, Trap1 & Trap2. Trap2 will be activated by Trap1. Trap2 needs to be persistent. Then add this bit of code to Trap1:


SCN Trap1Script

Begin OnActivate Player	  ;Only works if the player activates Trap1
 Activate				;Activates Trap1
 Trap2.Activate		  ;Activates Trap2

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