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Hey, i am trying to make a spooky vault and it would be so awesome if i could get like a one way door.


Is it possible to make a door that opens freely from one way, but needs a key to open back the other, so that the player is stuck inside until they can put the clues together and find the key to get out?


If anyone can help it would be REALLY appreciated, and i'll let that person have a copy of my vault when its finished ;)


Thanks a lot in advance if anyone can help me out :)

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There is a door like that in the game, it's the rear exit to the GNR Studio. You can leave freely, but if you try to go back there is a notice saying the door is locked from the inside. If you've already been tinkering with the tools/GECK enough that you're building a vault, my suggestion would be to find that door and see what makes it function as it does, then use that info for your spooky vault.
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i kinda want it so you can actually escape... but thanks a lot for your help. I looked into the GNR studio back door but i really have absolutely no idea how it works... im only a noob at using the GECK and ive been using tutorials on Youtube to help me make the vault. (i know its sad but i needed some help) :blink:
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I would recommend two sets of doors.


Place the first set of doors in their respective doorways, then link them so that they transport to each other. Once they are linked you should see the yellow boxes near each door that shows where the player will transport to when he passes through. The transport boxes and the doors can be moved independently from each other. Call the first door A and the second door B just for the sake of this description.


Leaving the yellow box for B where it is, drop door B below the floor so that it is out of sight and cannot be activated. You will still be able to transport to B's yellow box where it is located above the floor, so this will give you an unlocked door into the new space. Drop the return box from door B to door A below the floor too, just to get it out of the way since it will be useless without being able to activate door B.


Now place two more doors in the same doorways that A and B were placed. Call these doors C and D. Locate C where B was located before being dropped and place D in the same space as A. Link them so that you can teleport between them and lock them so that they require a key. Drop door D below the floor so that it cannot be activated.


Now you will be able to enter the new area by passing through door A but will only be able to leave after you find the key for door C. Although they are not actually linked, they will appear to be linked from the player's point of view..

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