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Incredibly Bad Lag


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hi guys. basically, within the last few days my games have begun to experience a severe amount of lag. fallout 3, oblivion, empire total war AND cod4 (1) are all lagging, so much that i cannot play cod4 anymore.


i havent changed a thing, and this morning i cleaned my computer, and re-applied thermal paste to the CPU. still no difference.


im currently using:


Intel Core Duo @ 1.86 GHZ/1.87GHZ

3.00 GB RAM (DDR2)

ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series


I also ran a disk defrag and disk cleanup - also removed unused windows components.


not a difference. this is incredibly frustrating. anyone got any ideas?

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Maybe you'd want to go back and ask yourself what you might've done a few days back that could've led to a system slow-down. If need be, maybe you should run a system restore. If that doesn't fix it, then it's probably something with hardware.  
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i notice that on the 25th it says *software distribution service 3.0*


that have anything in relation?


It may, but I don't have the same computer as you do. It's something that'd probably be worth checking out, though be sure that it isn't something your computer relies on.

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OMG i think iv solved it.


i recently downloaded two worlds, but in order to run it i needed to install AGEIA physx drivers.


its probably that which is causing this!


Good job finding the problem then! :thumbsup:



Though I'm kinda surprised the restore didn't remove the installation, as I had originally thought it always removed all and any installation.

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hmm strange.


i removed those nividia drivers, but im still gettin lag.


so i removed my video card drivers completely, and did a fresh install of them.


now when i goto device manager and check the virtual memory - its manually set to 2000MB for paging size...


isnt that wrong?

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