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how to make an npc beside you


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okay useing the star fox mod and trying to make miyu and fox and stuff appear, the codes xx015504 what goes in the xx slot? or how do i even do this? *noob*


xx is load order index... Look for "mod index" in fallout mod managers load order...And change xx with that


Open console and type player.placeleveledactoratme (xx)015504

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You can also try player.placeatme (NPCID) in the console. Where the NPC ID is the xx015504 with xx replaced by its load order. You can determine that by launching Timeslip's Fallout Mod Manager (if you don't have FOMM, go get it ... it is a must-have utility for managing your mods). Fallout.esm is always 00, so scroll down until you find that mod and note the first two numbers (or number/letter, letter/number). Write that down.


Then in-game open the console (by default the ~ key) and try the above command (player.placeatme xx015504) with xx replaced by the mod ID you wrote down from FOMM.

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You can also try player.placeatme (NPCID) in the console. Where the NPC ID is the xx015504 with xx replaced by its load order. You can determine that by launching Timeslip's Fallout Mod Manager (if you don't have FOMM, go get it ... it is a must-have utility for managing your mods). Fallout.esm is always 00, so scroll down until you find that mod and note the first two numbers (or number/letter, letter/number). Write that down.


Then in-game open the console (by default the ~ key) and try the above command (player.placeatme xx015504) with xx replaced by the mod ID you wrote down from FOMM.

Won't that spawn a copy such that there are two xx015504 in the game? I would use the prid console command if you want to get the original.


prid xx015504

moveto player


Also, the Ref ID is not the same as the base ID, you may have to load up the mod in the GECK and find the placed reference in the render window to get the reference ID.

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