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Nexon Specialist Suit (Male and Female)


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Constructive opinions only, any bashing will be reported, I hope their wont be a problem.


Well, topic says it all, This I have thought over and well, after allot of thought I figured That maybe we can try and create a FO3 mod for these armors.


The armors in question are from Nexon's Combat Arms, They are worn by the specialist characters (Codename Viper and Codename Scorpion)


These Armors are special combat suits that after thinking could be lore friendly for a player who fancies a elite stealth suit of unique look and design.

The armors In Combat arms are designed mostly as a "light recon suit" giving the player mobility yet reasonable protection from light attacks The suits have a dark texture

with light gloss look to them. Giving pretty good camouflage in dark or dim areas


Now these suits are yes, of questionable LORE basis but, thinking it over the mythical "Commonwealth" could have developed them etc,


This is more or less a personal request, if a modder could help me by developing the textures and meshes for this I would be tremendously grateful, However It would be more welcome if people could get public access, even a finished product (Pending someone beats me to finishing this :P) as 'm probably not alone with people who long for this kind of armor to be developed. If someone can spare their time and put this together for me, and the community I would be tremendously grateful.


Theirs 8 sses below all with pictures of both the male and female suits providing a good base idea of what the suit would look like.


Thank you for your time and i do hope someone takes the time to create the mod itself or help me create the meshes and the textures for it





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yea, type 3 is one of the most popular but remeshing the outfit for specific body's is easy, and you dont really need to worry about a body for scorpion do you ? because his outfit covers his entire body
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nope, the whole suit covers the body cept for the eyes, Maybe work his suit down so that his mask can be taken off (Helmet setup) But yes, viper i think should be assembled for the most common body type mods, For starters focusing on type 3 is the way to go. then progress onto more of the body shape mods
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My my you've been misleading me, ill swing a guess your a regular player to CA then Add me if you want to DBlackDragon is the name :P :P


Hawk, I'm not so sure about, I mean hes just some goof in a formal uniform, (Reminds me of a bad tempered Napoleon) Maybe in the future, but for now I'm gunning mostly to assemble the basic Specialist armors since they kind of hit on the basis of "ninja uber leet stealth" Like me, and some others like to aim for in our game-play. and get that off the table first, If popular demand calls for it then yes, ill probably step it up a notch and see if we can get that suit made.

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yeah im a pretty regular player, probably play it more than FO3 now. and yeah, hawk is basically just a young tenpenny who looks like he's had a run-in wit' a bad plastic surgeon (their suits look almost identical except for the colour dont they ?) and yeah wuz just wondering because u were doing spec's, and i'd rather see some of the normal merc's rather than hawk (mei zadan etc.) but idc as long as i see viper :D
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