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Delay Super Stimpak debuff


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Is there a way that I can delay the super stimpak debuff? Like if I wanted the good effects of the stimpack to last for 4 minutes, then have the debuff kick in for the full time. I thought it would be more realistic this way. Also if possible I would like to add a ignore crippled limbs effect to the super stimpak for a short period of time.

Edited by crow41798
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To delay the debuff effect, open the script SuperStimpakEffectSCRIPT and change the code to the following:

scn SuperStimpakEffectSCRIPT

begin ScriptEffectFinish
	CastImmediateOnSelf SuperStimpakDebuffEffect
	ApplyImageSpaceModifier Addiction01ISFX

(This will make the effect apply only after 30 seconds, instead of immediately)



As for the ignore crippled limbs effect, there are several steps:


1. Create a new Script, set Script Type to Effect and use this code:

scn IgnoreCrippledLimbsEffectScript

begin ScriptEffectStart
	SetAV IgnoreCrippledLimbs 1

begin ScriptEffectFinish
	SetAV IgnoreCrippledLimbs 0

2. Create a new Base Effect:


Set its ID to IgnoreCrippledLimbsEffect;

Set its Name to "Ignore Crippled Limbs";

Set Effect Archtype to Script;

From Assoc. Item, select IgnoreCrippledLimbsEffectScript;

Tick the flags: Recover, Self, Display Name Only.


3. Add a new effect to the Super Stimpak, select IgnoreCrippledLimbsEffect, and set the duration of the effect.

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