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Skyrim Sound Issue


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Hello, I'm having a bit of an odd problem which has started fairly recently. Whilst playing Skyrim, every so often the screen will go black, almost like the tv has just switched itself off. After a few seconds the picture returns and I can continue playing, but all sound has gone and I am playing in silence. Quitting and starting Skyrim again fixes the issue, but it is a pain to keep doing this.

I thought it might be an issue with my tv, but it only seems to happen when playing Skyrim.


It doesn't sound like an issue a mod would cause, and I haven't installed any new mods since this started happening.


My system specs are:

AMD FX-4100 Quad Core 3.6GHz


GeForce GTX 560Ti 4G


I have been playing for Skyrim for over a year with no changes to my system or tv, and this problem has only started in the last month or so.


If anyone has any ideas on why this is happening or how I might sort this out it would be appreciated.


If you need any more details from me feel free to ask.



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Does the game continue as normal, from the point where it switched off?


When you say it only "seems to happen with skyrim" has this happened before ever in the past with another game? Or perhaps watching video's, anything GPU related. I think it would be wise to make 100% sure

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Yeah the game continues as normal from when it switches off. I can keep playing the game just with no sound. At this point I just save my game, restart Skyrim and the sound is back.


This has never happened before that I can remember, with other games or with videos. It never happened with Skyrim either until recently.

I have checked my drivers and they are up-to-date from what I can tell.

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