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CTD while idle?


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Here's won for you brain-boxes of Fallout 3 problems.


I left Fallout 3 completely idle, un-paused with my character stood in megaton but not inside a building. I left it for probably 45mins - 1 hour and when I checked back on it, it had crashed to desktop.


Would anyone like to suggest what would cause this? I doubt it could be a mod or loadout problem if I've not actually moved anywhere or done anything. I know that nothing is overheating because the max temp of any of my hardware is 56C running Fallout 3 and that's from my GPU.


My motherboard does however have built in overclocked settings so might this be the cause?


Any suggestions or explinations are appreciated.



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That's true but also, I've just checked my bios and noticed two things. All the OC settings are set to auto and there's no way to disable the feature, only increase voltage. So i've left it as it is. I also discovered that onboard sound was enabled which I've now disabled as I have a superior sound card.


I'm hoping this may have been causing the issue.


Ironcially, I now have a new glitch which I haven't encountered before but I'm sure some have.


Having installed all the same mods with the same mod loadout order I'm seeing a giant red traingle and white strip over my character. It seems to be being caused by the enhanced weather mod as it only appears when its dark and cloudy and stormy looking.



Any ideas why this is? I'm led to believe it's something to do with Broken Steel?

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What you are seeing indicates that you have a mesh missing. Armor and body replacers if it is centered on your character. But a missing eye/hair mesh could do it too. Look through the appropriate directories, comparing them to installed mods and make sure that the meshes installed to the proper place.
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