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Pet thief request


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"You're my only friend Abu!" - Aladin


Yes, and its a cool idea, but control scripts would be a total nightmare to get working.


If you short cut it to just pick a target, it runs to and from and you get results reported, I guess it could be done...


But for game tension, what you really want is to be hiding in the shadows, biting your nails, as you watch it reach for the purse!


It would take a far better modder than me. Someone who can make new animations.


Could use a Mini-Troll for monkey.


A Skever, Cat, or Dog would also work. Particularly a Skever.


A Crow or other bird could be trained to go after people wearing circlets. Buzzard-Hair!


Perhaps used clever sound effects to mimic/feedback attempts and fails/successes. Have a Hide/Quit/Pause/Go Now switch in the hand of the player.


Great idea, but very hard to implement.



Edited by VanKrill
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