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On Daedra as Good or Evil: As some have said, they are neither. Some are certainly more aggressive than others. Some have a greater tolerance for mortals. But, I wouldn't say that any are good or evil. Some people think of Azura as a "good" Daedra. That could end up being a very dangerous misconception in the Elder Scrolls world.
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well yeah, I mean, Azura's minions (winged twilights) certainly gave not a rat's arse if you were the nerevarine and bore the Moon and Star in MW. And Azura was in a sense your sponsor amongst the Daedra but as stated the minor daedra under her influence didn't seem to care, they still attacked you on sight.


It's almost like the Elder Things or Old Ones in the Lovecraft mythos. They aren't evil (they aren't even gods per se) but they're so powerful that they really don't care a gnats spit for mankind.

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