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Friendly Inhabited Underground or Cave City/village


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There are few underground city mods out there, and the ones that are released are pretty low quality and aren't updated very often. With the exception of one mod, there is only one city that is built into a cave, and 0 city mods that are actually INSIDE a cave. If you need inspiration for a settlement inside of a cave, then you can research the Flame Crest location from WoW.

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This is basically my current project.


But the friendly underground city is a Hold, and you are the Jarl, and you excavate and build the town, assign workers, manage resources... Sim City in Skyrim Cave.


The setting is way out north of the Sea of Ghosts, in a large Ice Bound Mountain Isle.


There is a Magic you must quest for and master, which allows the creation of "Sun Stones" which Light the Caverns, allowing the growth of Forests, fields, lakes of fish, all under ground, in a part of Skyrim so far north it never thaws... above ground.

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