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dunno where to start lol...

just some points which fell to my eyes when i flew over this thread:


cannabis (wether indica, sativa or ruderalis) are not hallucinetics! they are altering your perception of reality maybe but not in a way that hallucenetics like alcaloids (mescaline for example) do, not in the closest way...


there is no known illness or health reduction known to be resulting from the consumption of cannabis, none.

you may harm your lungs tho of course if you smoke it and even more so if you add tobacco in your roll...

hence roll without or eat/drink the stuff...

quite the contrary the health benefits or consuming weed are extraordinary, from an increase in white bloodcell production which helps your body fight diseases to the prevention of glucoma due to the adjustments of the inner eye pressure to normal levels,

people with eating disorders get back on track as weed makes your body show its feelings and needs much better

and so on and so on...


its also quite interesting that our brain owns special receptors for the use of weed ingredients from birth, not even meat, alcohol or potatoes do have these receptors made especially for them...


why so many say these chemically extracted THC pills are crap is easy to understand, for one do they cost very much, hence you pay somebody for somin you could just pick in your backyard and furthermore and even more important: THC alone is not the whole treat! the etheric oils included in weed are also of importance as they have a multitude of effects on the body and mind, THC alone would never make you happy or healthy...


hash, or cannabis resin is not so heavy because it contains an assload of THC but because it contains an assload of CBD, when weed gets older THC gets transformed to CBD,

CBD = sleepy dazed feeling, THC = happy action ready feeling...


hence both forms, fresh dried weed and resin have totally different uses, on a recreational aswell as a health level


the only thing weed is not good for is when you have a date... dont smoke before a date! but well you usually dont drink 5 bottles of beer before one either lol


oh did i mention that hitler probably would have won the war if you guys wouldnt have produced thousands of tons of weed for sails, ropes, sacks, whatever you name it?


did i mention that weed was first outlawed when some egyptian retard who was allegedly on weed attacked Napoleon when he was down there? Napoleon didnt like it and banned it...

after he got kicked in the ass everywhere it became legal again, only in 30rties when faqs like hoover, hitler and others where busy *ban* life in general and saw weed as a threat to established members of the rothshild gang, was it deemed to get banned again...


hence reasons for the ban are:


1.fear of lunatics raging wild and killing due to the limited knowledge of the time


2.citizens are not supposed to have fun but be productive (similiar to the prohibition which had the additional reason of a bunch of morons laying drunk all day and their wives getting pissed)


3.weed endangeres the established producers of cotton, constr. material, chemicals and pharmas


the only valid reason is #3, but you cant sell that to the people, "sorry we had to put your son and husband in jail because mr. dunlop would not be able to buy that new island for his daughters birthday if we wouldnt"


hence they (our governments undermined by global rothshild banks since 150yrs) told everyone the following reasons which are utter nonsense:


1. weed is bad for you! (ever asked an official what actually is bad about it? try... its fun...)


2. weed makes lunatic serial killers (erm ya sure... ever seen a stoner attack even a fly? im talking bout weed not crystal here...)


3. weed is an entry drug, youll need heroine to satisfy your needs soon (thats utter bullshit but it holds a tiny truth, you tend to get in contact with that stuff through the sources of getting weed aka dealers which often give a damn bout weed but love money, additionally many people who intend to use heavier drugs later like coke for example start out with weed to get accustomed to the whole drug dealer gangster scene - but ive never seen anyone who never had the intention to use coke for example that smoking a spliff made them change their minds, the effects of both drugs are just so totally different)

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In Denmark approx. 7000 peoples die every year of lung cancer due to smoking cigarettes.

NONE have ever died from use of canabis yet, in Denmark.

I smoke cigarettes, tons. I shall probably fear that a lot more

than the shipfull of weed i smoked some 20 years ago.

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I was tempted to try pot on many occasions and i'm still courious about it, but i swore to my girlfriend that I will never somke some (she dosn't know about brownies tough :P). Nah just kidding i won't betray by Gf. :)
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one of the many reasons why sex/a girl is always good for your health and well being :D

they dont want you to smoke, drink too much, drive too fast, send you to go to the doctor and all that stuff... like a mom but better :D (freud prolly had his fun now but screw that dork)

just be careful not to follow every direction ;) sometimes its a trick to see if youre a puppy or a man lol... girls can be quite tricky :rolleyes:

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one of the many reasons why sex/a girl is always good for your health and well being :D

they dont want you to smoke, drink too much, drive too fast, send you to go to the doctor and all that stuff... like a mom but better :D (freud prolly had his fun now but screw that dork)

just be careful not to follow every direction ;) sometimes its a trick to see if youre a puppy or a man lol... girls can be quite tricky :rolleyes:


yeah, thats true...My brother smoked about one pack of cigarettes a day or more, but since he is fallen in love with his gf, he get forced to smoke max. 5 cigarettes a day...

somehow hes a puppy, but somehow its better... :thumbsup:

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yeah the line between puppy and man can be ahiliaten in a no time. But i'm pretty sure not smoking pot it's not making me less of a man in anyway.

The only problem are the friends that tend to over-react and acctualy be jaleaus becaouse you're the only one with a gf in the group. Yeah that's true, none of my friends have nor had girlfriends before...it's tough to make them understand that sometime you must do things that other people want :P

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Yeah, thats true. .. But somehow my brothers gf forces him too much a little bit i think...he isnt "allowed" to go out with his Friends, and he even isnt "allowed" to go to some concerts with me...that really pisses me of...shes with him most of the time and i never can spend some time with him alone. i mean, sometimes you must have some time for yourself...
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I am 53 now, but i rember this gf issue like yesterday. I was lucky that my gf (which is my wife today still after 35 years) smoked a lot of weed too.

However she didn´t like my beer drinking. And that´s fair i think.

Think about that your gf may be the one you will share the rest of the life with, have kids and a family life.

Thats why the "fun" life has to stop some how, or at least change into some other kind of fun. You can´t hang out on the streets forever, smoking weed, drinking beers.

But you get something else, even more beautyfull, you get a compagnion for lifetime, you get family life, those friends that are your real friends still hang around, and you get new friends.

Boys/men just have little more difficulties to see all this. That why we need gf´s to remind us

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As of late I noticed we have some legal shops that sell all kind of stuff in our town. I did not know that it's even legal until some of my friends asked me if I wanna try some so normaly I asked them where did they got that from and they kindly pointed me in the right dirrection. The stuff it's quite expensive so I didn't buy any so far. Last weekend while I was in the club where my cousin works(he is the DJ) he asked me if I need some "stuff" to chear me up and have a nice evening, but I refused, not that I don't trust my cousin, it's just that I was a little drunk already and you never know what could happen when you mix alcohol with drugs. Some of my friends did try it and they where like crazy in a good way all night long, dancing, drinking and all that. I was having fun to, but they where on top of it if you know what I mean. This weekend I won't go anywhere becouse I have some exams, but next week mayby I'll try some of that stuff. :unsure:
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here in austria its allowed to own weed..

its illegal to buy or sell it or to plant some weed, which makes the "youre allowed to own weed" invalid...

cuz if you own weed, you had to buy or plant it.. :blink:

hey and what if i found some weed laying on the ground??

i gotta try that out ;D *sarcasticjoke!*

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