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Well a subject that used to be close to home .... I'd love extol the virtues of a good "skyf" of Durban Poison grown in Drakensburg Mountains or even

some Malawi or Swazi (heads or pencils) over alcohol anyday, but in all honesty I saw where it lead with a number of my friends (all this as a teenager of course ..... of course),

and saw them trying to catch up with that "high" that you get only to lose it after a while (as you get used to your substance of choice).


Well anyhow, the more they tried to catch up with the magic monkey that made them feel so good, the further it slipped away until they got so far off the deep

end that they started shooting all kinds of crap into their veins ..... with the result that they ended dying all over the place.

Today it was this guy, the next day it was that one, and so on and on.


Ok, Marley and whatever your musical poison may be, might sound #$%&*@ awesome but it's all just a spiral that robs you in the end.




DRUGS KILL ...... :verymad:


But you're smart right ... you're a part of Nexus ... and though it might not be said in so many words, "YOU MATTER".

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Well a subject that used to be close to home .... I'd love extol the virtues of a good "skyf" of Durban Poison grown in Drakensburg Mountains or even

some Malawi or Swazi (heads or pencils) over alcohol anyday, but in all honesty I saw where it lead with a number of my friends (all this as a teenager of course ..... of course),

and saw them trying to catch up with that "high" that you get only to lose it after a while (as you get used to your substance of choice).


Well anyhow, the more they tried to catch up with the magic monkey that made them feel so good, the further it slipped away until they got so far off the deep

end that they started shooting all kinds of crap into their veins ..... with the result that they ended dying all over the place.

Today it was this guy, the next day it was that one, and so on and on.


Ok, Marley and whatever your musical poison may be, might sound #$%&*@ awesome but it's all just a spiral that robs you in the end.




DRUGS KILL ...... :verymad:


But you're smart right ... you're a part of Nexus ... and though it might not be said in so many words, "YOU MATTER".


Read my post no. 79. If we did not have Mary Jane, i think that maybe alcohol would have been the gateway

for your friends. Either you go all the way, or you don´t. This depend more on the person, the persons background,

and mental state.

As written in said post, i had my fun smoking weed for many years, and noting else, One day i just stopped.

People will smoke it wether it´s legal og illegal.

When illegal, it causes lots of gang wars, innoncents being killed.

Legal, this could be stopped, weed could be taxed like tobacco, and everybody could be happy, exept for the weed cartels.

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Well Balagor, I've read your previous post (No. 79), and yes it does depend on a persons background and their mental state

including their environment and to the individual themselves as to how far they will go.

And yes, you can still have a family life that's filled with love and harmonyl......and I'm sure that you can even be of above

average intelligence and can even become a successful business person and even a credit to your community, heck you could win a

Nobel peace prize as well.


And just like you, I've smoked a barn full of "Zol" (South African slang for maijuana) myself.

And always preferred it over alcohol - a subject I'm not interested in, other than indulging myself on occasion with ridiculously

expensive whiskey or wine with my girlfriends.


I am a successful business woman and have successfully studied in both the management and business fields.

I go to gym, eat in exclusive restaurants and stay in World Class 5 star luxury hotels when I want to, and drive a luxury vehicle

and dress in the latest fashions etc. and own a "larney" house in a posh suburb.


So just like you I can look back down that road that I've travelled and can say, "Hey it turned out just fine for me Jack, the weed

had no real negative effect on me sweetheart".


BUT not everyone is this fortunate Balagor, you and I and many others have been there done that and have a cupboard full of T-shirts to

prove it, BUT many dont make it .... we all have horror stories of a friend or a friend of a friend who tragically died because of drugs.

Marijuana is just the beginning, a doorway to other substances .... it may not be that harmful but it is nevertheless, a potential

doorway to ruin and even death.


And it's these people we have to care about, these we need to protect .... and no, they are not the "weaklings" who didnt make it and so it's tough luck.

Women, believe it or not, are very much influenced by their friends, more especially by their super-hero boyfriends tell me, does the following sound familiar ?


"Oh c'mon honey just a hit, for me, we'll do it together, was that a no ?.....well there, see I did it, we love each other right, right ? .... you do love me dont you ?,

yes ? right, well then ok sweetheart, just once for me, ok ...yes fine, just this once - one time honey, yes I promise, ....last time ... no, no I didnt hesitate,

really, I swear it, last time and first time, I... uh... yeah .... uh, let's do it babe ... it's love right ? .... yeah love, I love you Marcy, I swear to God I do".

Until the next time and the next one after that ..... hello guys does that ring a bell !!!!!!

Well the last guy that said that to me found himself suddenly very very alone.


And, I've noticed this is especially hard on the guys .... peer pressure !!!

The fact that my brother is still here is purely a miracle - ok, something I'm sure you dont believe in - but we'll debate that one, one day as well (LOL).


Legalizing weed will just mean that people like terrorists and other criminals will come into easy cash to fund their activities ... like it or not but that's a fact

of life and I'm not playing the trump card to silence you either, that's just the way that the world works right now.


I still say no to marijuana because I believe it to be the gateway to ruin for many .......

besides have you read about the amount of nicotine it contains ?...... that should be enough to scare the S - H - 1 - T out of you......

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Yes, you are right, not everyone who used drugs has a tragic live. Chester Bennington, front-man of the band Linkin Park was addicted to Crystal Meth. And now look at the life he has: He is massied to his wife, he has some healthy kids, he is rich and he can sing very good. He said his addiction kind of helped him cuz he started to sing there and now he is world famous!
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Well Balagor, I've read your previous post (No. 79), and yes it does depend on a persons background and their mental state

including their environment and to the individual themselves as to how far they will go.

And yes, you can still have a family life that's filled with love and harmonyl......and I'm sure that you can even be of above

average intelligence and can even become a successful business person and even a credit to your community, heck you could win a

Nobel peace prize as well.


And just like you, I've smoked a barn full of "Zol" (South African slang for maijuana) myself.

And always preferred it over alcohol - a subject I'm not interested in, other than indulging myself on occasion with ridiculously

expensive whiskey or wine with my girlfriends.


I am a successful business woman and have successfully studied in both the management and business fields.

I go to gym, eat in exclusive restaurants and stay in World Class 5 star luxury hotels when I want to, and drive a luxury vehicle

and dress in the latest fashions etc. and own a "larney" house in a posh suburb.


So just like you I can look back down that road that I've travelled and can say, "Hey it turned out just fine for me Jack, the weed

had no real negative effect on me sweetheart".


BUT not everyone is this fortunate Balagor, you and I and many others have been there done that and have a cupboard full of T-shirts to

prove it, BUT many dont make it .... we all have horror stories of a friend or a friend of a friend who tragically died because of drugs.

Marijuana is just the beginning, a doorway to other substances .... it may not be that harmful but it is nevertheless, a potential

doorway to ruin and even death.


And it's these people we have to care about, these we need to protect .... and no, they are not the "weaklings" who didnt make it and so it's tough luck.

Women, believe it or not, are very much influenced by their friends, more especially by their super-hero boyfriends tell me, does the following sound familiar ?


"Oh c'mon honey just a hit, for me, we'll do it together, was that a no ?.....well there, see I did it, we love each other right, right ? .... you do love me dont you ?,

yes ? right, well then ok sweetheart, just once for me, ok ...yes fine, just this once - one time honey, yes I promise, ....last time ... no, no I didnt hesitate,

really, I swear it, last time and first time, I... uh... yeah .... uh, let's do it babe ... it's love right ? .... yeah love, I love you Marcy, I swear to God I do".

Until the next time and the next one after that ..... hello guys does that ring a bell !!!!!!

Well the last guy that said that to me found himself suddenly very very alone.


And, I've noticed this is especially hard on the guys .... peer pressure !!!

The fact that my brother is still here is purely a miracle - ok, something I'm sure you dont believe in - but we'll debate that one, one day as well (LOL).


Legalizing weed will just mean that people like terrorists and other criminals will come into easy cash to fund their activities ... like it or not but that's a fact

of life and I'm not playing the trump card to silence you either, that's just the way that the world works right now.


I still say no to marijuana because I believe it to be the gateway to ruin for many .......

besides have you read about the amount of nicotine it contains ?...... that should be enough to scare the S - H - 1 - T out of you......


I can read that even culture differenties also plays a rule. We don´t have the "come on baby, try it whit me" in Denmark.

Here a woman would say no if she means no, which also makes any drug progress hesitate.


As for terrorists making money on weed? I don´t think so. I was thinking that the weed were sold at lowest price for the dealers,

and then max. tax, to get the price where it is in the respective contries.

Terrorists goes for hard drugs anyway, since it pays better of.


At least a think we can agree on one thing; that we disagree. !LOL

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I think that you underestimate the power of love .... it doesnt matter the culture, as an example more than half of the unwanted pregnancies around the world (ALL CULTURES),

wouldnt happen if the guy had no influence over the girl..... this includes Denmark.

Love is love, it knows no color, race or creed, and in most cases the male always gets his way .... take note I said, " ... in most cases ... ", not all cases, but it does happen, and happen often.


I live in Africa, I deal with 11 different South African cultures alone, not to mention those that stream across our borders from other nations looking for work etc., on a daily basis .... I'm not being disrespectful,

but men are men no matter where they come from or what language they speak or no matter their background.

And the tremendous influence you wield over women (though you might not know it), crosses all barriers and borders.

Well I hope that that answers your "Cultural statement".

No woman wants to be branded as loose but for love, we'll do most things.


And as for terrorists only selling hard drugs to make good money, let me tell you a true story ..... In a neighbourhood I used to once stay in, there was a man selling hot chips or fries as the Americans call it, the problem was he was very expensive, until one day another local guy decided to open his own shop and he also sold these fries or hot chips and made an absolute fortune ..... The first guy tried to maximise his profits by selling at high prices but low volume of chips.

The Noob on the block sold at lower prices but more than made up his profits by the volume of fries being sold !!!!!

It'll be a case of "Penny wise" as these suckers stack up their cash bit by bit .... maybe you're not aware of this but some of these people have been given the "blessing" by their religious leaders to indulge in sex, drugs and alcohol to "blend in" as worldly and not attract attention ..... never underestimate the evil that resides in these men's hearts as they try to cash in on an early paradise.

Weed will be an easy tool.


What you're proposing is selected cultivars, growing weed under the watchful eye of big Brother .... who is going to milk you of every last cent\dime\penny that you have.

In ZA we have our annual tax report from government and they have a lovely little tax they like to call "SIN TAX", and they slap it onto alcohol and cigarettes and you end up paying big time for your poison.

Weed, will be no different .... you'll pay through your nose to get stoned.


And their will always be a "Black Market" for cheaper non government controlled stronger weed.


Ok, Balagor .... I'm off this one for a while, so if you're going to slap me up with another point ..... let it be later please .....

I need some tea ....




update : You conveniantly left out the important point of the physical health aspect - nicotene, loss of sex drive in men and the fact that it's a gateway to stronger stuff as the high moves away and they try to catch up to it.

Also those under peer pressure to try harder stuff and of course the fact that we need to care for our fellow man and woman who might not be as strong as we are.

Stick that in you pipe and smoke it - LOL.

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but men are men no matter where they come from or what language they speak or no matter their background.

And the tremendous influence you wield over women (though you might not know it), crosses all barriers and borders.


This is where you are wrong. Is does not go for all the world, at least not Denmark, perhaps all Scandinavia.

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but men are men no matter where they come from or what language they speak or no matter their background.

And the tremendous influence you wield over women (though you might not know it), crosses all barriers and borders.


This is where you are wrong. Is does not go for all the world, at least not Denmark, perhaps all Scandinavia.


I have met many Scandinavians, English, Irish, Scots, Germans, a few Americans, Italians, Chinese, Portuguese, Greeks and Romanians and was particularly close to two Dutchmen or Hollanders from Groningen and Deventer- and have discovered them all to be very polite and respectable people (yes, many had their own individual quirks but by and large they were still decent people).

But you quote me out of context, I was referring to the fact that a man (any man) has a tremendous influence in the life of the woman he is either dating or married to if she is in love with him and sometimes, men take advantage of that fact and some will use that knowledge or influence to get their own way.


Hence "peer pressure" of a different type ..... to smoke weed or perhaps even use stronger substances because, "... we love each other babe.... ", my foot, that's not love that's manipulation and if you dont believe people in your country (just like all other nations) do it, then you're mistaken ...... everybody falls in love.

And while some do good with their love like sowing it positively back into their loved ones lives and growing more of it, others use it as a tool to further their own ends or agenda's.

Ok, so it's midnight ... goodnight, tot siens and hamba gashle (go well - Zulu).

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but men are men no matter where they come from or what language they speak or no matter their background.

And the tremendous influence you wield over women (though you might not know it), crosses all barriers and borders.


This is where you are wrong. Is does not go for all the world, at least not Denmark, perhaps all Scandinavia.




Hence "peer pressure" of a different type ..... to smoke weed or perhaps even use stronger substances because, "... we love each other babe.... ", my foot, that's not love that's manipulation and if you dont believe people in your country (just like all other nations) do it, then you're mistaken ...... everybody falls in love.

And while some do good with their love like sowing it positively back into their loved ones lives and growing more of it, others use it as a tool to further their own ends or agenda's.

Ok, so it's midnight ... goodnight, tot siens and hamba gashle (go well - Zulu).


Thats the difference between true love and and just a partner to manipulate.

The latter never leads anywhere, especially when it comes to using drugs

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Thats the difference between true love and and just a partner to manipulate.



Oh please.




Have you ever tried to convince someone it wasn't true love?


Both of you have had some valid points, let's not devolve into a ridiculous and completely different subject.


i. People are easily influenced by society and those they are closest with, that's scientific, irrefutable fact. People as in the majority of human beings, which makes it a rule.


ii. It would be better to regulate drug consumption including marijuana so that money is set aside to combat dependencies.


iii. Marijuana can lead to dependency if only psychologically.


iv. Drug use of all kinds has been declining overall in young people, but legal (prescription) drug use is on the rise, probably because society encourages people to see their doctors for a quick fix.


v. Because of that fact, it's fair to assume that legalization of marijuana could possibly lead to an increase in users. However, the restrictions are much greater on the use of marijuana for medical purposes, than they are for most other drugs, such as antidepressants and opiates.

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