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Civil War Remake


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I didn't see this concept anywhere else on the Mod Request sub-Forum, so I apologize if this concept has already been suggested in the past. I'm proposing a Mod Request of a Civil War Remake. I fully understand that ApolloDown has his Civil War Overhaul, but this proposal is NOT that. The Civil War Overhaul reintroduces siege, loss, and ultimately tries to time a hack and slash to a real time strategy. Skyrim is neither of those genres, so both the Vanilla Civil War and the Civil War Overhaul feel very out of place.


I think this is enough to convey the concept.


In this suggestion for a Remake, most of the Vanilla Civil War content would be disabled, as the Civil would be mostly rebuilt from scratch. Instead of those stupid fort battle quests, the player would be tasked with more objective based dungeon delving and investigative quests, as the rest of Skyrim's Vanilla Quests.


To help streamline the development, I'm asking for a number of the Vanilla parts to remain untouched.


Joining the Legion/Stormcloaks

Untouched. Either get the quest objective from Hadvar or Ralof or Legionnaires or Stormcloaks. Go to Tullius or Ulfric and receive your instructions.


The background behind the current situation is that the people of Skyrim are growing sick of fighting and thus recruitment for both the Legion and the Stormcloaks are at an all time low. This is lore friendly because many of the forts that are supposed to end up Imperial or Stormcloak held are initially teeming with Bandits or Necromancers. The Holds have mostly withdrawn support for either side and are trying to not get involved with issues regarding other Holds. There is concern from both Tullius and Ulfric that this makes Skyrim even more vulnerable to the Dominion. In the case of the Legion, the Dominion will probably try to gain more influence. For the Stormcloaks, the Dominion may start becoming overt in their moves to defeat Skyrim. You, a lone soldier and the first recruit in weeks, are sent to complete a multitude of tasks that would normally be ordered to a squad or even small army. Hence that difficult task (consider the Stormcloak Ice Wraith thing with Frostfall).


After clearing out the fort or killing off those Ice Wraiths, you are given a number of "Radiant" style quests. They're not radiant quests, as they don't repeat, ever. But the intent is that they're very simple objective quests that don't require much more than initial dialogue and spawning of enemies at the location. These radiant style quests are for the Solitude and Vindhelm Holds. The background behind this is despite both sides having lack of troops, ther other side is starting incursions into the Capital Hold. You, the player, must stop this. Alongside this introduction to the war part, you are introduced to an NPC similar in depth to Interesting NPC Super NPC's by Kris Takahashi. (Zora, Gorr, etc) This NPC is important to your choices later, and will, depending on how your progress through the Civil War quests, support or tolerate your choices, and back you up whenever your leaders disagree. How well this works is up to the Player.


Radiant style quests are supposed to be simple tasks like clearing out an enemy camp, stopping a enemy supply convoy, and stealing orders from the enemy couriers. Nothing major.


When you finish these radiant quests fro the Capital Hold, your commander (Tullius or Ulfric) is relieved. Tullius or Ulfric assigns you to an existing Legion/Stormcloak General out in a random Minor Hold (Winterhold, Morthal, Dawnstar, or Falkreath) whose having some trouble taking the Hold. Each of the four separate Holds have their own little background on why the Hold is important and the major goals the General is trying to accomplish. You have the option (depending on dialogue paths and speechcraft checks) to alter the overall goals and suggest different avenues of attack.


Investigating other points of interest such as Nordic ruins and Bandit camps would also be listed for capturing a Hold.


Forts. Forts. You may attempt to capture them or leave them be, as they might have too many Bandits/Necromancers or enemy soldiers. If you choose to skip them, you'll have to help capture other things valued to a fort's worth to the war. The way the enemy works (in, sending soldiers your direction, there way the Jarl acts, how well the people react to you, etc) is based on your choices during the radiant style quests. Once that Minor Hold capitulates to your side, you are asked (via courier) to return to Tullius/Ulfric to prepare something big: the Jagged Crown quest.


The Jagged Crown quest plays out exactly like the Vanilla one, expect the last part involving the Crown. When you obtain the Crown, you have three choices. You can return it to your commander (Tullius/Ulfric), you can return it to the enemy commander (Ulfric/Tullius) and swap sides, or you can put it on your head (it is a crown, is it not?). The third choice immediately makes your former soldier friends hostile and excludes you from joining the other side as well. This choice is for making a Dragonborn faction, with you as the head. If this is not done, you play the Civil War like before except all the changes to the capture Hold quests to make them better.


Do note that besieging the Major Holds (Markarth and Riften) should be possible.


The Whiterun Battle is untouched, though you could skip it is you dispose of the Jarl or persuade him to assist your side.


The end city siege (Solitude for Stormcloaks and Vindhelm for Legion) requires the Player and their side to capture the surrounding areas before attempting for the city proper. It's kind of obvious you have to secure the area in case the enemy does exactly what the Legions did in the Battle of Red Diamond to the Dominion.


Do note that all "civilians" (ie everyone but the guards) are forcibly stuck inside the houses so they cannot be killed. The fights for the bigger Holds may have "sub objectives" to complete in order to push your way into the city further. The idea is that obviously, fortified buildings are natural strongholds within an urban battle, and will annoy you to no end until they are captured. Other points of interest to capture would be arsenals, barracks, the jail (holding captured soldiers that can aid your side), etc.


The final battle should be much more intense. A final stand of enemy soldiers should be included. The generals and their personal guards (Rikke/Galmor) should also be much more powerful and unique, making a kind of a boss battle, so to speak.



Now, the Dragonborn faction. Only if you want to. You are set as enemy to Legion and Stormcloaks. You must find a friendly or neutral Hold to build your own side. Now you see the importance of that friend you made? He/she will end up as your quest giver and an ally on the various quests to beat back both Legion and Stormcloaks. You'll need to recruit people. That would be done in two ways. 99% of your soldiers (the nameless generic ones) are done via a recruiter to remain lore friendly. The other 1% is a selection of potential allies that have actual names and character depth. A similar selection of named soldiers would have been seen if you stayed with the Legion/Stormcloaks.


Do note that if you go with the Dragonborn side, you'll have to undergo two Capital Sieges.

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