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Jumping Ship


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It's not the fact of the new game that concerns me, or us, or whoever, it's the possibility of mod abandonment!!!! modding is the best thing that ever happened to oblivion!! I mean, Midas Magic<Shivering isles!!! (In my oppinion)


I have not played the mod in question, but as someone who liked Shivering Isles roughly 517 times better then the original Oblivion storyline, I am simultaniously sceptical of and inrigued by that statement.


Anyway, it's not like all these mods are going to poof out of existance just because ES5 shows up. You can still play them, provided you are not busy going crazy over the new game. And I rather doubt the modding for Oblivion will just up and die either. You list "removal of mods" as a possible con, but a new Elder Scrolls game isn't going to "remove" anything. It's more like it's adds more room to put even more mods.


And it's not soely concern, some of it is excitment, anticipation. In truth, to a large community of people who have spent countless hours of editing game, working on a game, until it suits every personal need, a new release is a big deal.


I think most of us have gone atleast a little mad with inticipation. But for any true elder scrolls follower, this new one is a big deal


AND IT'S SO CLOSE!!!!! THEY SAY 2010!!!!!!!!


Heh. Well, I can't say I'm really worked up about it, since I only recently picked up Oblivion and then mostly because of all the fun I had with Fallout 3, having never played any of the previous Elder Scrolls games. True Elder Scrolls follower, I would not call myself.


So, yeah, I'm taking it easy. Qué será, será, and all that.

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Dear Relativelybest





I'm sorry, but Midas Magic is number 1 for a reason


1) it's fun


2) it's funny


3) It's awsome


4) it's expansive




7) IT IS THE SINGLE BEST MOD EVER MADE (And I have a huge ego over some of the mods I made with my team!!!)



Like I am not kidding you, get it.



Now back to the topic at hand...

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Don't worry be happy! Even when the new game comes out, you can still go back and play or mod Morrowind and Oblivion. I think people will keep on modding Oblivion for years.


I tend to think that features of many of the most popular mods will end up vanilla in the new game. I think that the new CS will be better than the old one. The vanilla games tend to be so cool that people will be content for a long while before they become desperate for mods. But knowing how modders are, I am expecting that some modders will go to work the very first week the game is available. Some people will be modding before they have even beaten the game, but that is their prerogative.


There are so many talented modders out there. I don't know if most of them will eagerly start modding the new game, or if they will throw up their hands in despair at having to learn everything anew, and go back to making excellent Oblivion mods.


I am really not worried. I think there will be fun things for everyone to play, no matter what their tastes are. If they don't like TES5, they can play TES4. If they don't like TES4, they can play TES3. I think we will be having fun for years to come.

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It's not the lack of mods I am worried about, It is the feared dismantling of the CS


Dear god, It would be like taking away a childs favourite toy, and than spitting in his face, and then kicking him a little.


But onto the panick




And Back to TES V


I am excited, do not get me wrong, Vanilla Oblivion kept me sustained until I got board and looked for mods and started creating mods for oblivion, (Oh God, It's so easy to mod, It's like candy)

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I'll only jump ship for any combination of the following:


Massive world space. And by massive, I mean like twice the size of Oblivion's.


Better weapons. That means Crossbows, polearms, throwing, and, hopefully, blackpowder weapons. ELVES. WITH MUSKETS.


If they were to bring back the way armor sets worked on Morrowind, with the seperate gauntlets and pauldrons. So easy to customize back then.


Better working mounts. I hate how the horses operate. Should be able to turn via mouse.


Mounted combat.






A plot made of win.


Access to other nations/countries. Like jumping from High Rock to Hammerfall, or Black Marsh to Tamriel to Elsweyr.

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That would be SO awesome, wouldn't it?


Dismantling of the CS??? I don't get it. Who would dismantle it? HOW could they dismantle it? Why would they dismantle it?

Do you think that mods which already exist and the CS's on everyone's computers will somehow disappear once TES V is launched? That's what it sounds like you mean, but that's not going to happen. I don't even see how it possibly could happen if somebody wanted it to happen.

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I do not mean it's the super worm, (Like in Robot Chicken, only instead of deleting porn, it deletes mods)


My main concerns are:


1) Elderscrolls V will become unmoddable, (Ever try modding spore? yeah...)

2) everyone will jump ship and leave me all alone...

3) Tesnexus Spontaniously combusts and ever modder (including me) suddenly dies of a heat attack

4) The world ends in 2012 and we all die


My main hopes are:

1) a fully moddable elderscrolls V

2) Bethesda continues being awsome. (F*** YOU EA!!!)

3) A transfer over like morrowind to oblivion

5) Xilver makes a new midas magic (Sorry people, my favorite mod not made by me is my favourate mod not made by me)

6) I win the lottery and become king of the world!





And for the sake of saying it:

I like Oblivion better than morrowind because despite the obvious and sad cuts (you all know what I mean)

Oblivion introduced luxuries that alot of us can't live without.





Fast travel

Non Choppy hacky combat

superior graphics

Fallout 3

better magic animation (Morrowind had better spells)

better animation

better leveling

and the Oblivion theme song!


(Ps. on morrowind, I was the PILLOW BANDIT! MUWHAHAHA)



(WTF count on this entire forum so far is currently at 15, if your wondering!)

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I do not mean it's the super worm, (Like in Robot Chicken, only instead of deleting porn, it deletes mods)


My main concerns are:


1) Elderscrolls V will become unmoddable, (Ever try modding spore? yeah...)

2) everyone will jump ship and leave me all alone...

3) Tesnexus Spontaniously combusts and ever modder (including me) suddenly dies of a heat attack

4) The world ends in 2012 and we all die


FO3 didn't have a CS when it was released, people still managed. The modability of a game has more to do with familiarity of the engine, and how much is specifically designed not to be moddable (hard coded). The reason why spore is such a pain to mod deals more with just how little of the game was meant to be variable and open for change.


A better comparison would be Sims 2 verses Sims 3. Both of them really didn't feature any official tools which significantly aided in modding, but Sims 2 had many more components and structures within the game code (objects and clothing as grouped entities) that allowed for modding. Even though the game scripting for the Sims 3 uses C script (verses a proprietary system for Sims 2) the scripting for Sims 3 is much less forgiving since the script is treated as a whole instead of a series of grouped commands. But, in both cases, tools, mods, and a community sprung up out of need. Spore also has a small modding community. Many other games which do not have a CS/toolkit also have mods and modding communities. If there is a will, and there is a way, there will be mods. If TES V doesn't have a CS, people will still try modding as much as they can. If TES V doesn't have a CS and uses an entirely new engine that essentially forces everything into a hardcoded state, although there may still be a few people who will try modding it, most would likely remain using and modding Oblivion and Fallout 3 simply because it has a working toolkit. Similarly, even after NWN 2 came out, due to the many issues NWN 2 had, most modders still worked on NWN 1 mods. Even though Dragon Age has been released, there are still people who work on NWN 1 and NWN 2 mods.


That said, yes, we will ALL abandon you when something new comes out, and yes, the world will be torn asunder in 2012... But only if you keep saying/thinking that this is what will happen.

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1. They say maybe 2010. Do not hold your breath. If it is next year then expect the same problems that FO3 and TES4 both had.


2. The jump from Morrowind was not "epic", although I hope the jump from oblivion will be. Lost cause of a game, IMO.


3. Absolutely must require a new construction set. TES3's was terrible. TES4's was terrible, and GECK is, too. It's clunky, it's limited because scripting is always sub par because Beth buys a third party engine and we have to create our own support every time for scripting and new skills and anything substantive every time to the game. You wanna complain about a new game - that's the thing right there.


4. Oblivion had terrible run. Morrowind gets new life breathed into it every so often, but I can't say the same for both oblivion and maybe Fallout 3. FO3 is at least a bit ahead in convenience in editing. Oblivion really didn't have Mods as enjoyable as LGNPCs and Tamriel rebuilt is still going for Morrowind because it's just better. Oblivion has become an pornographic and masturbatory prop. (Not that I'm against adult material, but Oblivion takes the cake for sheer volume of it and total lack of content)


The only set of projects comparable to TR here are largely incomplete. I'm not sure if anyone's really interested in doing anything about that, but potential doesn't count as accomplishment. TES4 simply fails to live up to the content value of it's predecessor.


It takes good writing to do this, and lots of planning. Morrowind had some time put into it, but to be honest Oblivion fell short in every way but the pretty graphics.


Next time - Get right to your corners: a group for a body replacer set, a group for outfits/equipment for existing sets, and a group for gameplay variants, and a group for Quests and writing NPCs. Oh, and the lasat group - TO WRITE a damn good wiki to document the editors and scripts very well.

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Havent read all the posts but if TES V is built anything like the previous beth wonders it will not only be moddable, but it will have a very VERY similar construction set, game engine, python scripting and general features, just better, more, blah.


As with the scripting in Oblivion, the scripting in fallout 3 is almost exactly the same! I was able to easily take an old script from a mod of mine that allows you to go undercover FROM oblivion, copy it exactly, and send it to fallout 3, only changing the variables of faction specific to the game. It was easy, it was done exactly as before, there were no issues, and it works perfectly to its fullest intent. I am unsure about morrowind as i actuall have never modded for it and only owned it way back in the day when i HAD an xbox, but i believe the scripting is also very similar if not exactly the same.


That said again, because of this and because of the easy transfer and adaptability, if xilver did not feel like transfering spells over im sure any journyman of scripting, textures, and modeling could easily transfer the exact spells with the exact scripts and exact meshes and textures over to TES V with only a few hours here and there of fine tuning the changes to fit the new game with its new variables included, meaning that the mod would not need to start from scratch. Considering that FALLOUT 3 and Oblivion are two completely different types of games altogether yet they are made almost the same way, and the fact that Morrowind AND oblivion are almost exactly identical with only a few advances, im sure it will be significantly easier to transfer mod data such as this over to TES V because of how similar not only the game is, the game engine will likely be, and the game interface, but because of how they generally like to BUILD their games. I mean, hell, someone actually made a castable lightning spell IN FALLOUT 3! All he did was make it technically a grenade in the game. Using vanilla features, spells, scripts, whatever, all that person did was adapt the previous data to fit the new variables included in the game. Now, that was for fallout3, very futuristic 1950's-60's. Think of how much easier it will be for TES V because its the exact same lore and look?!

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