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Morrigan's hair style with pony tail


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Hi all!


Beforehand - I'm a girl from Germany and my English is unfortunately not the best - sorry for that :-)


I love DAO, its on of the best Games I've ever played, but there is a far too little choice of beautiful girls' hair styles and the Handbags are much too small too (But that's another story *GG*).

I think Morrigan's hair style is one of the best, thats why I'm using the Tints & Tones-Mod where you can choose it for the mainchar, but if I have Morrigan in my party I find it silly if she and my character have the same hair style.


So my question: Perhaps is it possible to change Morrigan's hairs a bit - just change the topknot in a pony tail, and adding this as a new hair style for player chars?

I think it would be looks great, but I have no idea from modding and if it's hard to make such a thing like that - in this aspect I am a totally noob.


Is somebody here who would make a little mod like that? It would be really really REALLY nice!!

Preferably I had this already tomorrow or better yesterday! :-D I cannot play on before I have the perfect hair style for my little cute rogue! :-)


I'm looking forward to your replies! Thanks a lot, Guys! :-)


Lots of love


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Well first let me say your English isnt that bad, i had no problems understanding what you want.

sadly i know of no morrigan face replacer that changes the hair like you want it to, but i have found this: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=210

it changes the whole head including the hair to another one.


so it should be possible then that you use morrigans hairstyle for your character and morrigan looks different.

its not exactly what you requested but maybe an alternative =)


maybe one of the modders can make exactly what you want, i cant.


have fun, hope it helped anyway. :smile:

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Thank you Alex - looks good! But I think Morrigan should keep her hairstyle, she simply looks too good with it ;-)

But for all that I'll test this mod. Her face is cute - much better than the original^^


And thanks - I think my english is partially horrible. I need a lots of time to write a small text like this but, the practice is good for me :)


Lots of love


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well, maybe someone will make such a hairstyle for you, that you can use with your own char.


you said you used tints&tones, there is also the chargen package aviable, i am not sure if that adds new hairstyles, you could try it out, but there is another file needed to make the chargen package work with the tints and tones, read the description its listed there.


ah, i got the links:

- http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=110

- http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=159


not sure if that helps with the hair issue.


you could talk german with me if you prefer that, but then the others couldnt read what you write ;)


Have fun with it =)

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Thanks a lot again, Alex. You speak german? ((Ich denke hier sollten wir beim Englisch bleiben, aber ich würde mich freuen wenn du mir per PM mitteilst wenn ich ganz böse Fehler gemacht habe :rolleyes:))


I've already tried chargen package and pineappletree's mod, in combination with friendly file, too. These are nice and there are many skin, hair and eye colors and the chargen mod includes some new faces but, unfortunately there aren't other hairstyles :confused:


But I used one of the ''chargen''-faces to make the face for my little human rogue.


Here's a quick photo montage of her i've done which shows how it will looks with Morrigans hairs and ponytail. Ooh, it would be great! :biggrin:




Come on you grandiose Modders, make a girl really happy! :yes:

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Wow nice, that montage looks cute, well done, in my book it shouldnt be hard to mod that, but i really dont know,

maybe there need to be meshes edited for a new hairstyle, thats quite possible, and that would require reimporting the edited mesh into the toolset and that isnt possible jet.


And yes i speak german, i am from Austria ;) ((ich denke auch Englisch ist hier angebracht, aber wir können uns per PN auf deutsch unterhalten wenn du möchtest :) ))


well i hope someone can make you realy happy :D

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Oh ok, I think I'm understanding. As far as I can remember I've heard from this problem with the ''meshes'' whatever... anywhere *shrug-giggle*


I hope it will not take a long time until it is possible. Hum... what shall I do till then now? :whistling:

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If its the meshes problem then it may take weeks, but pepole are working on it. it will be done, its just nothing simple.


well you could answer my PM that i wrote you in the meantime,

and then play with an alternative character and another origin till the issue is solved =)

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