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Forlorn Contingencies


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Okay folks. Stewie's here. I have a stable internet connection, but I won't be very free due to getting a job (i hope). However I'll try and post as much as I can. Flip, you still have permission to control Shadow if need be and I'm not around. Also I'd like to mention that I do not have a computer underhand, I'm using a tablet to post here and that's how I'll be posting for a long time. It's not easy, so expect any of my posts to either contain a plehora of typos and/or edits.


Nethros, this RP was just on hiatus, now that I'm back, feel free to post your character sheet.

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Not my best work, and might not even fit in, but I've had this lil bastard on my mind for days. :confused:



Name: Ur

Race: Pict

Age: 21

Class: Savage / Assassin

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Deity: Jhebbal Sag

Place of Origin: Pictland, Hyboria (Primeval Earth)

Appearance: Ur has a very primitive humanoid appearance, reminiscent of a small brutish caveman, or a large pygmy. He stands at 5'2 with a weathered complexion and leathery, tanned skin. He is stocky and built like a jungle predator: barrel chested with long muscular arms. His face is comparatively "scrunched up" with a small amount of stubble, likely all he is capable of growing seeing as he never shaves. Ur has small beady eyes with only the slightest fragment of intelligence, and a great deal of apathy akin to a murderous beast. His hair is black, long, and dirt, blood, and whatever else he's gotten into it.

Armor/Clothing: Golden wristbands, golden anklets. a black silken loincloth, and a gold chain with a gold medallion adorned with the mystic symbol of Jhebbal Sag dangling from it.

Weapon: A small steel knife kept tucked in his loincloth

Personality: Ur is a very simple, basic creature. Compared to his fellow Picts he has a great deal of intelligence and ambition, yet it really can't compare to the average human. He completely consumed with selfishness, placing himself before absolutely everything. He has no pride, or shame, and would not think twice about stabbing anyone in the back or running away if it meant he was going to live. Of course, if survival requires it he isn't adverse to working with others, so long as they do not hold him back.

History: In his youth Ur was a scrawny runt of a Pict, destined to a lowly position in his tribe. Yet, Ur always dreamed of something more; perhaps becoming Chief or ascending to some great station. Though as he grew up he realized he had no great future in Pictland, and decided to sail away with Zingaran merchants to find a new life in the world. This life came in the form of a Mercenary Band. In his travels, roaming the world and killing for money he realized that money was power, but to show others he had money he need finery, which he got. After falling asleep in a tavern in Stygia he awoke to find himself in a forest much unlike the swamp he had remembered...

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  • 3 months later...

Is this still a thing? I'm getting a guardians of the galaxy feel from this rp i love it. I dearly want it to continue :D ! I only which I could start rping in here but it again seems like the end in extremely nigh, and I just wouldn't be able to post enough :sad:

Edited by TheBrownCow
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  • 2 months later...

I for one would like to resurrect this RP :thumbsup:

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