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Lets allow genetic engineering for humans


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With some stipulations, of course, as to avoid certain ethical issues that no one likes very much. But first, the why of it. There are a number of paths I could follow to support the proposition, Ill just choose one.


Almost all creatures employ their own natural abilities to the fullest of their potential in order to survive and reproduce.


The application of a species natural abilities to the fullest of their potential generates the most good for that species. (here good only means what most of us would intuitively consider as the greatest benefits with the least detriments. This would be true even if these abilities werent enough to save a species from extinction.)


Humans commonly desire the greatest good possible on an individual basis as well as for all humanity in many cases, and much individual benefit can be derived from the most good for all humans, and vice-versa.


So Humans ought to employ their own natural abilities to the fullest of their potential in order to achieve that end.


Part of doing that would be to allow genetic engineering to stifle negative traits and promote positive ones, something we are capable of doing as a result of our own natural abilities.


Therefore, we ought to allow genetic engineering.


Now for the stipulations, which I add at the end only as my own personal feelings about the matter. Since the argument obviously doesnt touch them at all and I think they are needed to protect and preserve certain values I (and many others) possess.


Only the engineering of traits which inherently contribute either to the detriment or benefit of an individual should be allowed. So changing eye color, hair color, sexual orientation, etc. would not be allowed. Those things do not inherently contribute to either the detriment or benefit of any individual. They are neutral traits. The only time they do cause detriment or benefit is under certain social conditions. Most of which, if not all, are arbitrary.


However, things such as intellect, physical strength, speed, and stamina, as well as a strong immune system are all inherently beneficial to all individuals. While things such as down syndrome, and other genetic disorders are things that do not contribute to the benefit of any individual, and often cause a great deal of detriment to those who suffer from them. These are the sorts of things on which genetic alterations/manipulations should be allowed to be performed.


I see no immediately apparent ethical issues with this stance. Any disagreement/agreements?

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i think homosexuality should be removed actually, it is harmful to the gene pool and in general society would be better off without it



This point has already been addressed. Further discussion of this will result in strikes/ban due to trolling or general bigotry. The statement has been left because it is this person's opinion, no matter how biased or wrong it may seem.


- Vagrant0


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Your last paragraph, physical strength, speed, and stamina are all things that people develop themselves, example being working out on a daily basis, or running a mile, etc. As for intelligence, everyone single person is as intelligent as they want to be, with the exemption in cases of mental retardation and stuff like that.


But regardless, if something like this ever came to pass in a court or an actual scientific debate, heres what tons of people are going to say

1. (insert cultural biases and philosophical differences here)

2. Who gets to deciede whats off limits and what isnt.



Changed wording to suit a wider range of applications which mean essentially the same thing.


- Vagrant0


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i think homosexuality should be removed actually, it is harmful to the gene pool and in general society would be better off without it

A good many people would beg to differ, especially that whole "gene pool and general society" part.


And for the most part, a genetic cause on that end is still not confirmed. There may be genetic components which are linked to a behavior, but no genetic components which cause that behavior. To suggest otherwise demeans the importance of socialization and freewill. This notion is usually only supported by those who have biases against that behavior as a means of validating their biases and policies.


That said. Let's just not go there. You're welcome to your own opinion, just as others are welcome to theirs, but that discussion usually does not end well and should probably stop here.

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i think homosexuality should be removed actually, it is harmful to the gene pool and in general society would be better off without it


From the research I have done on sexual orientation in general, it is my understanding that the biological factors involved (namely the genetic ones in this case) are things that are common to all people and is nothing like a specific genetic mutation or specific gene per se that contributes to a person becoming gay. So it cant really be said that a gay person who reproduces is going to pass on certain genes that a straight perrson wouldnt, and "removing" a gene wouldnt do the trick. However, from what I've studied, there are probably numerous ways in which a doctor could do various things to greatly reduce any chance that the conditions favorable for producing a homosexual child could occur. Monitoring and administering certain hormones during certain stages of a womans pregnancy, as well screaning for various genetic mutations in androgen or estrogen receptor genes could do the trick. I can provide sources for this info if anyone thinks it's necessary.


However, I see nothing about homosexuality that is harmful in any way to society, so it's my intuition that the desire to prevent it from occuring in this way is purely the result of social prejudices. So, what about it specifically do you think makes it so that general society would be better off if no one were gay?


Edit..Vagrants post was not there when i began to write this. So I withdraw the desire to discuss it further since he requested it.

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Your last paragraph, physical strength, speed, and stamina are all things that people develop themselves, example being working out on a daily basis, or running a mile, etc. As for intelligence, everyone single person is as intelligent as they want to be, with the exemption in cases of mental retardation and stuff like that.


But regardless, if something like this ever came to pass in a court or an actual scientific debate, heres what tons of people are going to say

1. (insert relgious garbage here)

2. Who gets to deciede whats off limits and what isnt.


Its true that the things you mentioned are all things that can be developed on an individual basis. However, there are genes that play significant roles in determining the ease that any person could obtain these these things, and the levels to which they could obtain them. Things such as photographic memmory are the result of biological factors, no person can give themselves this ability. You have it or you dont. The structures of the brain of so called "child prodigies" are physically different than those of an average person. They are also the result of certain genetic combinations.


#2 is a question that must be asked for anything. General society/ the majority is usually the answer when it comes down to practice.


I have attempted in my stipulations to allow reason to dictate what is and is not off limits. They are ultimately subjective, but its the best I can do.

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