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Lets allow genetic engineering for humans


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Genetic Engineering scares me... and I've already pointed out why in example from my previous thread. How would something like that not occur, especially when it becomes the norm in society? Although a separate debate, racism goes along the same subject here and how it will never go away. How would something like this be prevented in regards to G.E.? What about those those that aren't genetically altered for superiority? What happens to them?


And as far as separating science and science fiction, often the two are mingled together. Several technological and scientific breakthroughs were based on science fiction. And obviously, science fiction is often based on actual science, usually idealogical science.

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I supposed this question would not be as categorical as it is. Since then GE has help humanity in terms of its survival, comforts, and even basic needs. And we owe these to GE. But I am afraid human nature won’t easily be satisfied. It would soar even to a demarcation line which sometimes reaching to a point of no return. Imagine (though it seem to be hypothetical) if in the future this Genetic Engineering could made something bad that cannot be undone, then who are we to blame?

Nowadays we really have lots of experts, but we too create more problems. It would be so sad to think that later on we will become the very Architect of our own destruction.


This could be apprehensively hypothetical to say that such disasters could happen. But what if it does happen?

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if in the future this Genetic Engineering could made something bad that cannot be undone, then who are we to blame?

Nowadays we really have lots of experts, but we too create more problems. It would be so sad to think that later on we will become the very Architect of our own destruction.


This could be apprehensively hypothetical to say that such disasters could happen. But what if it does happen?


I agree with you all the way, but we do not have to wait for the future to come, it´s here already, and we do not always think beneficial but more in a profitable way.

In the -70´s we started to make gene manipulated Turnips (for sugar production) so they would be resistant to herbacides. Bad idea anyway since we only had to ask our nebour Germany, that already had made more restrictions for use of herbacides, due to massive destruction of drinking water.

Never the less the manipulated Turnips was a fact, and only a decade after some other weeds of the Cruciferae family (same family as Turnip) showed signs of resistance to herbacides.

It is never proven what happen, did they weed hybrideze, which does happen in nature, or did the become resistant due to massive use of herbacides.

What troubles me most, is that we never know.

Do we know next time. Did we know 100 yrs ago. Will we know tomorrow. And will we let ethics decide instead of capital.

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