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Placeholders, Supermirvs & more


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I've noticed lately that there's been more placeholders for unfinished mods, asking for help. Isn't that what the forum is for? Is there a way for the site to wipe files with 0 kilobyte files, after a certain amount of hours and wait, whilst checking the mirrors? Maybe even a strike for creating placeholders. The forums can do everything that a download page can.


Also, the "super-mirv" mod files. Theres been tons. Is there a way to sticky these files if someone searches? I mean really, about 100 ( exaggerating probably ) of these mods, all doing the same thing, give or take a few rounds fired? Maybe like a mod tutorial so people can make it for themselves or edit it included with the mod file.


Just a suggestion for fo3nexus.com : P

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Placeholders, wip announcements, mod ideas, requests for help...etc on the file sites are deleted when they are reported provided there is nothing to download or mirrors posted..the site has a long history of allowing pointer pages as some mod authors choose not to host their work here. If they are visible, hidden files should not be of a concern to any but myself as you will not be able to see them.


There are exceptions but for the most part the above guidelines are followed.


Use the report this file button on the file page, and tell us what is amiss.


On the other matter, pick one and be done with it. If as you say they all do the same thing once you select one to use it should no longer be of a concern. There is no way to sticky file pages, on the forums only those that are deemed noteworthy and timeless in nature will be stickied.


Hope this helps.



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