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armor turning invisible???


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when i put my amazon double melons armor on, AND my necromancer armor on, she turns invisible, and sometimes ahave a huge exclamation point around my character. i put the dds in the textures, the esp in data folder, and the the dips(w/e they called) to the mesh folder. what went wrong?(my necro armor was working before now its not)
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when i put my amazon double melons armor on, AND my necromancer armor on, she turns invisible, and sometimes ahave a huge exclamation point around my character. i put the dds in the textures, the esp in data folder, and the the dips(w/e they called) to the mesh folder. what went wrong?(my necro armor was working before now its not)


Meshes are in the wrong spot! Check either the readme or the paths already in the zip folder for the amazon outfit. Make sure it's not supposed to be somewhere like meshes/armor/amazon...because it probably is supposed to be.

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Wrye Bash also works for mod installation. In fact, in some ways, it's better than OBMM.


As for your problem, have you checked your ArchiveInvalidation. If you don't have OBMM or Wrye Bash, it's likely that you don't have it enabled. If you don't know how to use ArchiveInvalidation, I could give you instructions for either utility.

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