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Sample Writing- Possible Mod Idea for others.


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I've offered my services as a Lore Writer and Voice Actor for people doing mods. I wrote this snippet as sort of an 'advertisement'. Telling stories is a beloved past time of mine yet I have little technical skill, or patience truth to tell, in the area of making mods. Time is a factor as well. I just want to help with mods others have already thought of themselves. I've seen lots of great work lose a bit of flair due to poor writing and/or voice work.


Anyhow, here's the snippet.



The blue glow of Lyrium suffused the room, lingering just above floor level like some clear, yes sickening, miasma. The colors shifted into the blinding white of the noon-day sun directly overhead the peak of the tower where its beams lanced through a round opening striking down directly onto a now empty font and the gently stirring motions of a young man slowly regaining consciousness.


The First Enchanter strode across the room and, bending down, grasped the young man's wrists firmly before pulling him to his feet.


“There now, lad,” the aged sorcerer said as the young man wobbled slightly. “Rest easy for a moment. The Harrowing is an ordeal true but you have surpassed its challenges.”


Turning to the Templar beside him The First Enchanter said, “And what think you, Commander? We've added a promising young man to the mages' ranks, eh?”


Knight Commander Cullen, sunlight glistening off the silver hairs slowly encroaching over an originally bright red beard, replied in a monotone voice full of grim purpose, “Aye, he is a mage. Another mage that we will watch.”


With that he turned on his heel and strode from the chamber, his gauntleted hand gripping the hilt of his sword the entire time. A quiet groan distracted The First Enchanter and he was just in time to catch the young mage as he slumped forward. “Exhausted I see; tis to be expected. Come lad. Let's get you to your new rooms. A short nap in a large bed is the best magic for you now I think. No need to exert yourself too early. There will be time for your studies to continue in a bit. Now that you're a full fledged mage I expect you'll do great things. But that can come later. Soon, yes, but not now.


The young man's eyes opened and, looking through eyes that appeared as Conner Guerrein's but were not his, and using a voice that had once been Conner Guerrein's but was no longer replied in total agreement, “Yes, First Enchanter. Great things. Not now, but soon.”


I remain, as always,


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