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I liked the name holdcrapofgod..... at least you kept the randomness in your new name. I'd rather your new name be RanokoaIsAwesomeILoveHimPleaseGiveHimKudosCauseHeIsAwesomeAndIAmTooJustNotQuiteA



It would be catchier and easier to remember.

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And whoever removed jesus's post, beware, his father will be very, very, angry!!!


And now you're banned also. Well done.


Go somewhere else to spout your dribble.




As much as that pleases me to hear that. please note that Otherside owns a computer shop downtown, and has access to alot of computers and Ip's, as well as a twisted evil not seen since lord Dagon. (Need atleast 1 oblivion refernece) Only by banning togeather can we defeat this evil foe, ande reclaim this nexus as, An OTHERSIDE FREE ZONE!!!


Ps. Thank you Alienslof fir being sucha great moderator and keeping our posts free of another insulting "Jesus" Reference.


And can I have my account back, Please? I promise I won't let anyone else use it, Amber made a fool out of everyone, and on behalf of the entire team, We all apologize for her irrational and sensless behavior.

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My characters name is Udayen, named after my rather strong magician in EQ.


Udayen is a young (atleast he looks that way) Breton warrior with some skill in magic. He became a vampire at a young age during a war he was conscripted into while studying to become a wizard. His actual age and origins are unknown, and he refuses to reveal them to anyone. He is haunted by his conflicting morals and his need for human blood as a vampire. He attempts to reconcile with his less good side by doing good deeds for random people and seeking out adventure through exploration and doing certain "good" deeds that the fighters guild or the Imperial guard wont do. He will not hesitate to kill a fellow vampire if they are too vicious for the safety of the general population or he is attacked by them. Despite these things, he is reluctant to seek out a cure for vampirism. Possibly because the lure of immortality and power are too great to give up.


He has a good deal of skill in the schools of Illusion and mysticism but has more training as a soldier. Being a rather good looking guy and a naturaly smooth talker, there are few people he cant persuade to do what he wants. He enjoys history and so he likes to seek out lost ayleid ruins more so than he likes adventuring elsewhere.


He has been approached by the Dark Brotherhood on a number of occasions. He has many of the skills and desires that a good assassin would need. He has refused on each occasion however. He does what he does for what he thinks of as the "salvation" of his soul and not monetary gain. He also refuses to kill someone if he doesnt know that they deserve to die.


Well, thats Udayen. A vampire Breton who is a mage/warrior combo

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My Characters name is Eleanor Rigby (Guess the refernece)


She is a Ackmora, props to Demitry for this race, (Yorkenheimer Race pack II)


She wears Amageddon Robes, (Made by me, not on tesnexus)


Specialty: Magic


Hair Colour: Blond,


Height: Tall


Eye Colour: Brown


Favourate Spell: Midas Nuclear Blast


My character was a lonely woman, who's husband was in a naval officer stationed in Morrowind. Upon hearing of his death, she began to learn the arts of magic in order to protect herself incase of any tragic events. At one point, due to a racist gealousy from a neighbor, a rumour was spread of Skooma and Daedric magic was in abunjdance in her home. This was enough to get the Imperial guard involved.


Upon being arrested, she was condemned to the deepest darkest block of the imperial prison. Luckely, the tutorial happened.


Upon request of the emporer, Eleanor Riby's life was changed forever, no onger was she condemned to live as a poor widow in the imperial city, who had lost everything in the trials, instead she set out for a life of adventure.



She soon became a full member of the mages guld and furthered her study of magic, until one faitfull day she vanquished the evil manimarco, and became the arch mage of the entire guild.


Fait handed her another twist when she was confronted with her great, great, grat grandfather, a dremora living in the plains of oblivion. They fought along side one another. Than the daedric lord, sheogorath, beckoned to her, and she is now, fighting fo rher sanity...



I will post the reference in 24 hours, seee if anyone can guess....

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and im not happy when HOLYCRAPOFAGOD banned :( he didn't do anything bad to me :)

Well I don't really know why he got banned........but his user name is already a good reason to get banned IMO

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