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crashing when i save


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now i started to get angry cause of this :wallbash: i wanted to enter the "abandoned tent" in north of the map and when i entered the game crashed well i had a save before entering anyway i stoped to enter the tent but now anytime i want to save the game it crashes all the time :verymad: :wallbash: anyone had this problem? and how can i fix it .i got windows xp sp3 by the way.
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A couple of things to try.


1) Try loading an earlier save

2) Cold (power off) Reboot PC

3) Go to some vanilla part of the world and try saving there.

4) Go to an interior cell, wait 3 full days, go back into the wasteland, try to save.


If the problem still persists and you have loaded mods, then start a new game with only fallout (and DLC are ok) and see if you can save. If that works, unload mods and try one of the saves from before you made a new game.

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