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New Greatsword Talent Tree


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After failing repeatedly to grasp the basics of the toolset, I thought I'd suggest this to someone with greater skill...


Anyway, I'm sure we're all aware of the drawbacks of Greatswords in DA:O. They do a lot of damage, but are slow. Makes sense; however, they also miss A LOT. What I'm interested in creating is a tree of passive talents (comparable to the dual-wielding tree) which will increase the attack of Greatswords, and possibly adding in something like a chance for knockdown at the penultimate tier. Maybe making the purchasing requirements level and dexterity based as well? The goal here is to try and balance Greatswords, so they only trade defense for armor and damage for speed, making them viable (but not overpowered) alternatives for other weapon types.


I'd also be very grateful if someone could make (or direct me toward) a Talent Making for Dummies article.




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