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post apoc story


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hey i guess i worte this a while back couse i found on my comp. its incomplet.

you guys think this could make a good book if i rewrote it?




~Chapter 1~


I was walking down the hallway of one of the colony’s 10 food stores, pondering about what to get. I was hungry and had not eaten any thing since yesterday afternoon.

“This looks good”, I said to myself as I picked up a bag of beef jerky.

“Hey Renges how are you doing today?”, asked the shop owner.

“I’m good Mr. Billy. I just need to get something to eat before my shift starts.”, I said as I put the bag of beef jerky on the make-shift plywood counter.

“Well, I still owe you from last week so this ones on the house.”

“Thanks Mr. Billy.”, I replied took the bag back from him and headed out side. I opened the door to the small x-terra that had been given to me when I was made a vanguard.

Vanguards were the ones that kept the colony safe from the infection that most people called “shadow walkers”. The vanguards receive a vehicle, (which not many people have anymore) a Kevlar suit which consisted of: arm guards, shoulder, and knee pads, as well as a Kevlar vest that came up to the neck. They also carried a fully automatic weapon at all times. I carried an MP5 sub-machine gun which I had slung across my back at the time. Besides keeping the colony safe it was also our job to run some of the farmers to the high fenced farms out side of the colony walls.

I opened the door, tossed my weapon to the other seat, and climbed in. I started it up and pulled out of the store lot. My first stop was at fellow vanguard Toby’s place. He had wrecked his truck on his last shift, so he had farm duty.

“About freakin' time.”, he said as he jumped in to my backseat.

Toby was an average height, curly brown-haired 19-year-old who had an M-16. He was fooling around in the waste land and turned his truck over about 20 minutes till nightfall. By the time a guard had showed up, it was night, and Toby had already killed 4 or 5 infected. For some reason that we could not figure out, they would not come out in the daytime, even though several tests had proved that light did not hurt them.

About 20 minutes later, I had picked up the 4 farmers, and we had the farm in sight. Toby and I got out, and went to open the two-gate system which only allowed one gate to be opened at a time. After we opened the first one, I drove the x-terra in to the large square space, and closed the first gate behind us.


When the first gate was closed, I walked over and punched in the access code for the second gate to open. The twenty-five foot iron gate slid to the side, causing the whine of the heavy machinery that pulls it. The radio in the truck started going off as it did when nightfall had come. I walked over to the truck to check in.


“Renges here, I’m out at farm A-12”, I said into the radio.


“Roger that”, said the dispatcher. “Be advised, shadow walkers have been seen near that area.”


“I copy”, I said, then placed the radio back on its mount.


I walked over to the driver’s side and pulled the truck through. Something was wrong. There were supposed to be other farmers here. I pulled out my weapon and flipped off the safety. There was a tan lump lying near a tool shed. I stalked over to it and flipped it over. It had been one of the farmers, but which one I couldn’t determine, due to the fact he was badly mutilated.


“Toby!” I yelled, “Call command! Tell them to get an A.P.C. out here now!”


As I was about to speak again, I felt a searing pain in my shoulder and was hurled to the ground. I looked up and saw an infected, a shadow walker, as it tried to bear down on me with its ragged and dangerous jaws. I shoved my arm, which had the steel plated guard in front of it as it bit down. I howled with pain as it bit me, not breaking the skin, due to the arm guard, but with enough force to snap my arm. I heard shouting, and gunfire, but none for me. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see dark shapes running past me. Once more the pain came as my bone was sure to break if not released. I took my other arm and slammed it, with as much force as I could, into my attacker’s head. It released my arm and let out a banshee like scream as it fell backwards. I jumped to my feet, firing a burst into it and looked around me. Toby was behind the door of the x-terra, shooting at the oncoming waves of infected. A farmer lay motionless on the ground. Ten feet away, another was trying to reach the turret atop the guard tower when he was ripped from the ladder by an infected who then slung him, with inhuman strength, in to the thick wooden post that held the tower up.


I pulled a flash bang out of my vest and threw it, in the center of the madness.


“Grenade!”, I yelled as I covered my eyes.


There was a loud bang, and a lot of screaming as the infected reacted to this light. I ran forward, shooting a burst in to each infected in my path until I reached wear Toby was. I slide under the door and into the drivers seat, grappling the radio.


“Command! Command! Do you copy over? We need reinforcements now! Send back up to farm A-12!”, I shouted.


“Copy that, chopper in route, ETA, ten minuets. Hold out as long as possible.”


I grabbed Toby’s shoulder, and pointed at the dead farmer.


“The other two ran!”, he yelled while not looking back at me.


“I’m going for the tower! Cover me!”, I yelled as I sprinted toward the now mangled tower ladder. An infected jumped toward me only to be hit with the stock of my weapon and hear its resound as it fired in to him. I leaped over the motionless farmer and gripped the ladder. I bolted up the ladder while hearing the final screams, and wails from the infected. I felt a large shift on the ladder. I turned to shoot whatever was on it when I saw Toby climbing up after me.


“I only have a clip and a half left!” he shouted. “we need to reach the turret!”


I tossed him my pistol, which he caught in one hand, while swing his arm around to fire at one of the infected who were clawing their way up the tower. I reached the hand rail and pulled my self up. I ran to the turret and pulled back the loader on it. I aimed it down and unleashed a hail fire of bullets into the endless waves of infected. Toby came up the ladder and put his last clip in. I threw my Mp5 at him. He set it down and used the rest of his munitions from his.


The turret was the only form of protection that the farms had for their on acre of land. I continued to use it on the ones approaching the tower.


“Chopper inbound!”, Toby yelled, while pointing to the dark shape moving toward us in the sky.


“Use the flares!”, I shouted.


Toby popped the cap on the bright red flares and waved them at the incoming chopper. The jet black chopper had the vanguard seal, a red shield with a fisted arm in the center, with a war hammer and a lightning bolt crossed beneath it, on the sides of it. Its gunners opened fire onto the fields, tearing the small metal shed apart while ripping through the waves of infected. Its spotlights covering the area, blinding the shadow walkers as they were gunned down. The chopper, with the red lettering on the side that read “Ghost Hunter” hovered one side to us, while the other side continued firing. The gunner grabbed the rail and held his hand to us.


“Jump!”, the gunner yelled over the roar of the chopper and the sound of the turrets.


Toby climbed up onto the four foot wooden wall of the tower, and jumped toward the chopper. He landed on one foot in while the gunner grabbed his arm and pulled him in.


“C’mon!”, he yelled at me, “We have to pull out!”


I took aim at an infected half way up the tower and fired, blowing him to the ground. I snatched up the empty M-16, then hopped up onto the railing of the tower and leaped into the chopper landing hard on my side. The gunner turned to his pilot, and told him to take off.


“There’s two more farmers down there!”, I yelled while holding on to the choppers overhead railing, ”We have to get them!”


“There’s no way there still alive!”, he shouted at me as he re-took his spot on the right side gun.


The chopper pulled up and circled the compound, looking for survivors. We hovered in front of the compound, while the main gunner in the cockpit, fired the chopper's missiles into the compound. We then turned and started back to the colony walls.


“Guess your gonna need a new truck,” Toby said to me as we looked out at the burning compound, blazing brightly against the pitch black sky.




~Chapter 2~


The air smelled of burning flesh. There were men from the hospital in hazmat suits, collecting remains as samples, and loading them into a large truck. I walked over to the scorched remains of my x-terra to examine the damage.


“Did you put in a request for a new one when we got back last night?” asked Toby as he walked over to me, wearing a white mask over his mouth and nose.


“No, not yet. I wanted to see if it had survived enough to be repaired.”


It wasn’t. One of the anti-personal missiles hit the vehicle dead on its roof. It was bent in toward the ground in the center, the glass was shattered, was missing the front axle, and it was completely coated with ash. At some point it had caught fire.


“No way! That thing can’t even be used for parts now.”, said Toby as he pulled a piece of shrapnel out of the roof.


I climbed in through the window and started looking through the wreckage. I opened the glove compartment and pulled out the .45 I kept in it. In the heat, the rounds in the clip of it had gone of, ripping through the gun and making it useless. My safe box I had in the back had survived since it was a fire proof one. I pulled the box out, and set it on the ground.


“Did they find the entry point?”, I asked, while getting out of the scorched wreckage.


“We have.”, Said a voice from behind me.


I turned to face a white coat wearing their full hazmat gear.


“They appeared to have gotten through a weak point near the northwestern fence.”, she said with a British sounding accent.


“They didn’t have time to reach the alarm.”, I said.


“Could have saved us a lot of trouble.”, Toby said, while looking at my destroyed .45.


“Have I met you before?”, the woman asked through her plastic visor.


“Doubt it.”


She took a closer look at me. “Yes, I know I’ve met you before. Yes, now I remember. I met you in Crestfallen, before the infection took hold of everything! I was a military doctor at the time. I was there helping with the research of the Ec-La 1.” As she said this, her face gave a quick, depressed look. “I'd like to talk about it more, if you have time.”, she said while scribbling in her notepad. She ripped a page out of her notebook and handed it to me “Here. This is my pager number. I have been working at the St. Anne’s Research Hospital. If you have time, simply call my pager.”, she said while walking back to the large tented area.


“What’s in Crestfallen?”, said Toby, who apparently had been listing intently.


“Now? Nothing.”


“What was?”


“Don’t wanna talk about it.”


I walked over a truck that had been loaned to me, so I could get around until I got a new command vehicle.


Crestfallen……where it all started……and where the world ended…


-Chapter 3-


Crestfallen, 1 year earlier…


“Beginning test of Ec-La 1, test subject, Human, male, Caucasian, age 31.”, a scientist said in to a microphone.


On the lab table before him, lay a man who was strapped down and gagged. He was awake. Fully awake as he shook in fear, and tried to free himself with no success. Two other scientists stood on the other side of the table, clipboards in hand, and ready to make observations.


“We will administer the Ec-La 1 through a shot in the subjects right arm.”, the scientist said, as he picked a syringe off his tool tray.


The man began shaking and thrashing as the scientist brought the needle closer, with fear in his eyes and attempting to let out a muffled scream. The scientist inserted the needle in to the mans arm and pushed the plunger, forcing its contents inside him, as the man leaped at the straps that held him. He began getting more and more violent and clawing at the lab table and letting out muffled shrieks of pain, until he lurched up one more time, and dropped back to the table. Lifeless.


As the man lie dead, blood began running out of his eyes and nose. His arm was swollen where he had gotten the shot, and had a line of red going up his arm to his chest


The scientist spoke in to his recorder once more. “Test of Ec-La 1 completed, subject showed identical symptoms of death as the previous animal subjects. These test results have allowed us to know what modifications need to be made for the next experiment.” The scientist pressed the stop button and with drew the cassette.


“You two.”, he said while speaking to me and the other guard at the door, “Please take this body down to the morgue and this cassette to General Williams, as well as the video footage and these notes.”


I walked over and placed the cassette and tape in to a manila envelope, while the other guard who’s name I did not know walked over to the table that the other scientist had placed a black sheet over, identifying it as a biohazard.


I walked down the hallway of the military facility, turned left down the hall, and rode the elevator up to the third floor. I got out and turned to the right. I reached a door and knocked twice.


“Come in.”, said a voice behind the door.


I open it and walked into the General's office and handed him the envelope. “From the lab down stairs.”, I said, While giving him the two not pads as well.


“I see…thank you”, he said.


I was finally off duty, so I decided I would drop by the dinner on the street over. As I walked in I saw Cess, a friend of mine for the past year and a half. He waved me over so I slid in to the booth opposite of him.


“Hey, you just get off work?”, He asked.


I picked up a menu from the holder. ”Yeah, about ten minutes ago.”


A waitress walked over to us. ”What can I get you two to drink?”, she asked.


“I’ll have a coke.”, I said.


“Sure thing. Now, how about you?”, she asked Cess.


“Coffee, please.”


“Okay, I'll be right back with that,” she said while walking back to the kitchen area.


“So have you heard anything about the military putting defenses inside major cities?” he asked me.


“Really? That’s weird. They must be expecting some thing.”, I lied.


I knew the real reason for this but I was sworn to keep my mouth shut about it.


“I mean, I don’t think that there’s an impending attack or anything, like I don’t know maybe their just building bases there, so they went ahead and positioned troops.” He said while finding some thing on the menu.


“Yeah, maybe.”


The waitress came back and placed our drinks on the table. “Ready to order?”, she asked.


I ordered a Texas cheese-steak melt, while Cess ordered a burger with fries.


“So your working overtime at the base?”, he asked me.


“Yeah. It pays pretty well though.”, I said while taking a bite out of my melt.


“What are you doing in there?”, he asked me.


“You know I can’t tell you. You ask me that that all the time.”


“I know, just wondering. Out of you, me, and Sera, you’re the only one who works for the government. Thought you might know something, is all. Anyway…are you still coming to Sera’s tomorrow?”


“Yeah, of course. It’s her birthday, I’ll be there.”


“Ok, just wondering. We weren’t sure if you were coming or not.”


The waitress placed the bill on the table. “I'll pay,” I said


“You sure?”


“Yeah.”, I said as I placed a twenty on the little black tray. “I guess I'll see you then?”, I said, as I got up.

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thanks. im reading it now its so crummy lol.

i could use the storyline and idea i guess, but other than that imma prolly overhual it.

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