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Francescos's Overhaul is crashing oblivion at start up.


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I just reinstalled Oblivion through steam to a new directory outside of program files to avoid UAC conflicts. Thankfully that fixed most of my recent problems. After installing mods one by one through obmm and wrye bash all seem to be working.


Then came Francescos with its automatic installer. I start the program select my options and then it installs with no error messages or anything. Same thing with the optional creature/items installer. Yet when I enable Frans in Wryebash and order it, Oblivion crashes shortly after the bethesda softworks logo.


I believe this is due to an installation error but I could very well be wrong. Before I reinstalled oblivion to its new directory Frans would install and then windows would tell me the program may not have installed correctly and would prompt me to reinstall using recommended settings. I selected yes and it worked and the same thing happened with the optional files installer.


After reinstalling it to the new directory as I said it installs and doesn't prompt me about the program not installing correctly but it crashes Oblivion on start up.


So far I've tried running it as admin and troubleshooting compatibility in which windows tells me they changed it to run in compatibility mode for windows xp pack 2 but that didn't fix it and a I can't change the compatibility manually. I'm currently using windows 7 and if there is anymore information I can provide that would help just let me know.


I've been struggling for the past week to get oblivion and mods working and thought I finally solved the issues and then this comes along and really bummed me out. So if anyone out there could help me out I would greatly appreciate it.


TL;DR Frans crashes oblivion shortly after bethesda logo during start up.

EDIT: The game runs fine when I disable Frans or just remove it all together.

Edited by Triplej7
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Check your oblivion.ini

Under [Archive] near the bottom you should have something like this:


sArchiveList=..\obmm\BSARedirection.bsa, Oblivion - Meshes.bsa, Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa, Oblivion - Sounds.bsa, Oblivion - Voices1.bsa, Oblivion - Voices2.bsa, Oblivion - Misc.bsa, FraNewItems.bsa, FraNewCrea.bsa

By the way, Francesco has all kind of different issues.
When I played it years ago I've had different issues;
I have experienced
1) the problem you are currently meeting now
2) the crash out of the sewers;
3) The caliper bug.
Do you wish to troubleshoot your oblivion instead of playing?
If that's so, keep using francesco.

There are many alternatives out there that are really really better.

If you really want to use Francesco, just install the leveled plugin with NO armor\monsters add-on.
Then get Armamentarium 1.35 http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/18417/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Foblivion%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D18417%26preview%3D&pUp=1

and choose if adding or not MMM. If you wish to have a "vanilla" feeling, just use francesco + armamentarium.
To use these two you'll need to use wrye bash (as I see from Armamentarium's readme).

If you don't want to learn about wrye bash, forget francesco and get one of the following overhauls:

War cry
War Cry New dimension (I advise against this one for your first playthrough, but hey it's out there).

Edit: btw, the francesco you should be using is the last, I guess.


Edited by Sergio1992
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