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messed up sky texture

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Hm, those do look like ground textures.

Found this in the Nevada Skies description:


Q: Why do my clouds and other parts of the mod seem to be broken (ground textures in the sky) ?
A: Make sure you have ArchiveInvalidInvalidated!.bsa properly installed and you downloaded and installed the DATA files that go with your esp/esm file, and make sure you unpacked them in the right directory. Example: DATA/textures/etc. Also it might help to switch to high texture quality in game settings.


Have you tried re-installing NSkies?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Uh... Honestly never seen this before. That isn't a texture in the game to my knowledge, if so, it's very Hi-res, so hi-res in fact, that I doubt it's legitimately in the game. I'd suggest uninstalling weather mods and archiveinvalidating. That is very strange.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Try installing Nevada Skies manually instead of using FOMM.

Sometimes it will work this way.


I have to agree that Nevada Skies gives a lot of conflicts with other mods.

Had it installed and it didn't override vanilla's textures.

Installed it manually and it worked but still crashed a lot.


I suggest you get another weather mod. There are others out there just as good as Nevada Skies if not better.

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  • 1 year later...

Same problem right from the start for me. I had installed via NMM. I seem to have fixed the problem by:


1) going indoors 2) waiting a few hours 3) saving indoors 4) uninstalling & deleting all Nevada skies files via NMM 5) manually downloading the files 6) manually installing the files, as per the README 7) Removing and reapplying archive invalidation (via Fallout Mod Manager)


Has worked perfectly now all day over many location changes and several restarts of the program


P.S. when I installed via NMM, I was informed that a previous file with the same name existed and needed to be overwritten. This was not the case during my manual install, so I suspect the this bug was caused by the NMM install


Hope that helps.

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