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Fast Travel Easy Solution


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aya, fast travel or not it's a sort of catch 22. Early in the game and to the middle portion I don't mind walking around, it's just when you get to the higher levels that I wish for the fast travel. T'would have been nice had I had it in MW when I was lvl 40, that way I could have avoided all those cliffers...but I digress.


Until I know the map like the back of my hand, I'll not use the fast travel. Only then will I use it to rid myself of the old BTDT (been there, done that) syndrome. By the time that comes about, hopefuly beth will have an expansion lined up and more gorgeous lands for me to traverse. In anycase, the land looks vast and beautiful so I doubt I'll ever get tired of it.

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There's a simple little mod for those of us with very little willpower that just disables fast travel. Nothing else. Just that.


I'll be using it, not solely due to the situation of "I will not use fast travel... I will not... Oh, whatever. I'm doing it" but because maybe I want to click and drag the map and instead of click where I wanted to, right beside a destination, my game assumes I wanted to fast travel and hurtles me off through time and space to appear somewhere I only wanted to see beyond. Besides. Even though game time will pass at the rate the game calculates it would take you to get there on your own, I don't want that. I'd rather walk everywhere myself. I want time and experiences to level up. "Live another life in another world" you know. Not "Fast travel your never-ending life away in another world."

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