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DAModder is RAPIDLY approaching Beta 2.0!


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Its been a fun road through Beta 1.0, and with the help of all the testers we've gotten the core functionality, Installing and Uninstalling both "standard" mods and "Core Override" mods, to be pretty much rock solid.


Tomorrow a completely new Backup & Restore system, which is really quite amazing, will go into place and once the kinks are ironed out of that we will be moving to Beta 2.0!


The focus of 2.0 is providing Builders with the ability to easily package their mods in such a way as to be compatible with both DAModder and DAUpdater (in case you have a crazy player who just refuses to use DAModder.. silly them!)


I would LOVE to get more modders on board for 2.0 so we can really give the packaging system some good testing. If you are at all interested, please just drop me a PM here, and I will send you the link to get started.

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