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making a spell that you can toggle


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ok here is the script its for a a flying spell that i dled it works pretty good but kinda bleh with out the ability to turn it on or off hehe.


scn WaldelfLevi01EffectScript


float angleZ


float X

float Y

float Z

float DX

float DY

float DZ

float oldX

float oldY

float oldZ

float oldDX

float oldDY

float oldDZ

float maxDXY

float t1

float t2

float t5

float t6

float sina

float turbo


begin ScriptEffectStart


if GetInWorldSpace Tamriel == 0

messageBox "Levitation needs wild spaces and nature's forces"

dispel WaldelfLevi01



enableFastTravel 0


set oldX to getPos x

set oldY to getPos y

set oldZ to getPos z




begin ScriptEffectFinish

enableFastTravel 1




begin ScriptEffectUpdate

if isInInterior

dispel WaldelfLevi01



set X to getPos x

set Y to getPos y

set Z to getPos z

set DZ to Z - oldZ

; Levitation


set DX to x - oldX

set DY to y - oldY


if (DX*DX)>(DY*DY)

set maxDXY to DX


set maxDXY to DY



if maxDXY < 0

set maxDXY to -maxDXY



set Z to oldZ


if isSneaking==0

set turbo to 64


set turbo to 4




if (DX*DX+DY*DY>8)

set X to oldX + turbo*DX/maxDXY

set Y to oldY + turbo*DY/maxDXY

; endif

setPos x , X

setPos y , Y


set angleZ to GetAngle x

;Message angleZ+1

;set Z to Z - (angleZ/180)


if angleZ < -180

set angleZ to angleZ + 360

elseif angleZ > 180

set angleZ to angleZ - 360



set t1 to angleZ / 57.29577951 ; precalculate powers of "angle"

set t2 to t1*t1

set t5 to t2*t2*t1

set t6 to t5*t1

set sina to t1 - t1*t2/6 + t5/120 - t5*t2/5040 + t6*t2*t1/362880


set Z to Z - turbo*(sina)


setPos z , Z


set oldX to X

set oldY to Y

set oldZ to Z

set oldDZ to DZ



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you need to change your flying spell into an ability, then create a new spell with this as a script effect:





ScriptName flyingspellScript


Begin ScriptEffectStart

If ( Player.IsSpellTarget flyingability == 0 )

Player.AddSpell flyingability

ElseIf ( Player.IsSpellTarget flyingability == 1 )

Player.RemoveSpell flyingability







hope this helps.

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I'm usually quite good at giving this sort of advice but the script you posted above is a bit too complicated for me to work out how it works.


Maybe if you give me a link to the mod in question, I can download it and take a look at how it works and maybe give appropriate advice.

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I've finally finished making levitation togglable. Please find the new ESP attached to this post. I haven't tested it but it should work as expected. If not, please tell me. I would probably suggest you save your game before trying any of the new spells, which you can buy from Volanaro or Edgar.



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