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OP Anchorage a simulation? not really...


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Hello everyone, :biggrin: this is my first thread after a loooong time. Here's my issue:


Operation anchorage is definitely a great DLC, but there's something off-lore (and off-sense too) that i'd like to change: After finishing the simulation, i checked my stats and i found myself a mass-murderer (over 100 kills!) i'm a roleplayer, and i play with a good karma pc, who avoids fights whenever possible. I don't think that killing electronic graphical chinese soldiers leads you to carry that burden :blink: I feel a bit of senselessness in that.


So i ask you, my fellow modders, how do i start to solve that? i checked dozens of scripts in the GECK, but none of them seems to control the body count in your pip boy menu. All i want to do is remove everything killable from the DLC from the kill count. I'm beginning to think that it's a matter of deep scripting. I can barely understand what a script say, but writing one from the start it's all another story.


Any suggestions?

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ill take a guess at how this would be done.


First you would need to find 3 things.


The script hooks (if they exist) for Kill count, (or the console command for modifying kill count) if that is possible)

The first OA script inwhich you enter the simulation pod. That script would have to be modified with a line that takes all following kill counts and adds them up.

The last OA script inwhich you exit the simulation pod. That script would have to be modified with a line that takes all of your preceding added-up kill counts and subtracts them from your current total.

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Wouldn't it be easier to have that first OA script stick your kill count in a variable and the last restore it?


EDIT: The problem either way is that if there is anything that's triggered by the kill count it could still be triggered while you're in the sim. I don't know of anything that does that though. But a script could while in the sim periodically reset the kill count to what it was to begin with.


Can you add things to those stats? Like a Simulated Kills count?

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I found the console command GetPCMiscStat that should return the number of the various stats like people killed, people mezzed, lock picked and so on. I still have to test if you can enter a new value within this command. But this could be a start. I remember a mod in Oblivion where one of the values (was that "nirnroot found?") was changed to another new value based on the mod content. So these values MUST be editable.
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