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Geck Crashes When Editing Interiors, Why?

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So I've been doing some heavy updates to my mod recently, mostly work with the main underground city of Polis. The Interior is fairly large and have been having some serious difficulty trying to add NPCs into the cell. I have roughly 15 NPCs in the cell, yet every time I start up GECK, select the worldspace and either zoom out, select an NPC/Static Object, or try to add another NPC, my program freezes and ultimately crashes. Does anyone have a solution to this? I rely on this city being populated and the point it is at now is not what I imagined. The Photo below is roughly the current size of Polis at this point. I am able to select some NPCs from the cell object box and remove them, which does in fact solve the problem, but does anyone have a solution to prevent these crashes? 14078325916_5f074edb4a_b.jpg

Edited by Mlucci4036
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Check your reference count, and look at the values at the top of the render window. It reports the current % full and memory usage of a cell. That's a large cell with a lot of stuff in it looks like, I'd guess at least 8-10k refs. Also your computer specs would help. If you've got a 64-bit OS and more than 4GB of RAM, use a program to make GECK large address aware so it can utilize more RAM. That alone will speed it up and could reduce crashes.


If the LAA thing doesn't work, you might need to consider splitting the cell into several. Not ideal, but even vanilla does it (Rivet City)

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