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The pitt reset


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Let me first say I loved playing through the pitt, the whole dark, industrial atmosphere and people made it the best DLC in my opinion next to point lookout. However, I realized after siding with the slaves much of that atmosphere is missing, slaves stand around and mope, entire areas (uptown) become lifeless and bland.


Should've sided with Ashur.


I tried uninstalling then reinstalling the pitt but that didn't work, also tried to reset the quests with the console but no dice there either. Is there a mod or method out there that completely resets the pitt allowing it to be completed differently? if not could one be made? I would really like to avoid having to start a new save considering I've the hours I've put into my main.

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Well like I dont think there is one out there. But you mean like at the end when you side with the slaves, the whole ¨Pitt¨ looked like it was a Democracy without a Tyrant Ruling the puny slaves? Our just a Completly Brand New Pitt with new missions? Or just adding new missions with the chance of altering the outcome of the situation?


And yes I sided with the Slaves, because it seem a fair cause. Without harming the baby of course. And yes at the end it seemed like nothing had been really done because the slaves where about doing the same thing...

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If you uninstall the add-on and then immediately reinstall it, as far as your savegame knows, nothing has happened. Which might be a good thing because from what I've read, you could have ruined your save beyond repair. Removing content that has given you a perk is what causes the problems.


- Go to a safe area ingame (Megaton house, Tennpenny suite) and use the console to remove the perks you get in the Pitt. You can get those commands / IDs on the wiki http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/The_Pitt_%28add-on%29


- After you've removed the perks from your character, make a new hard save (as opposed to walking through a door for an autosave) and exit the game.


- Open FOMM and deactivate The Pitt and close FOMM.


- Restart the game and load the new save you made. Click ok on the "missing content" notice and go outside, walk around, do some stuff. If you game does not crash then save again and exit the game.


- Open FOMM again and reactivate The Pitt and close FOMM.


- Start the game, load your save and wait for the DLC to trigger.


If it works, congrats, you got lucky. If it crashes and destroys your save, well that's why I told you to make a new one. Good Luck.

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