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Fps lag each 5 - 15 secs


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Hi guys, first here is my specs, in case you need :


i7-920 2.66ghz

6gb ram ( 6 x 1gb )

Dual nvidia gtx 260 2gb (2 x 1gb)

windows 7 64 bits


Okay I installed lastest video card driver aswell as lastest patch for the game. Now i have this annoying fps lag.. Can someone tell me how to fix it ? i heard that the game was designed for single core and thats why that i have fps lag with my i7... But i don,t think it's the real problem..


So if you can please help me, would be great. Whatever is the kind of help, i'll appreciate it. thanks.


PS : Oh yes, i forgot : i also have fps lag when i open vnas (or whatever you're calling it) and when i open any menu, like when you trade to an npc or something like that.


Once again, thanks for futur help.



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