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Quite The Dilema, Should I Get Oblivion For Pc Or For The 360, You Hel


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Right, first off i would like to say hello to everyone here,as i am new. I know there must be threads like this so i aplogize.


Now my question is, should i get oblivion for the 360 or for the PC


i'll give you info on both


PC: specs:


P4 3.2 Ghz, with HT

1 gig of ram

radeon 800Pro 256 megs of ram, all AGP





I have it hooked to a 42" samsung plasma playing at 720P and it looks amazing, sound it hooked though optical cables



Now i am mainly a PC gamer, and love FPS on the computer (been playing CS for 6+ years now) but i heard that the 360 controller works amazing for oblivion.


I have never downloaded any mods for morrowind, so i'm not to sure that i would download mods for oblivion.


And oblivion is supposed to look (on a high def TV) just as good the 360 as it does on a $5000 top of the line computer. So i assume that oblivion will look like poo on my computer compared to my 360.


So being a pretty hardcore PC gamer, with my computer specs, it would be in my best intrest to get it for the 360 right?


Thanks guys.


Edit: i would not want to run the game any less than 1280*960 with everything on med to max.

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I have it hooked to a 42" samsung plasma playing at 720P... i would not want to run the game any less than 1280*960 with everything on med to max


Er... You may want to sit down for this...


what do you mean by that.


What does my TV have to do with running my computer at the resolution i want to play it at?

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720p is smaller than 1280x960, and on that large display, I bet the pixels are going to be bigger than your fist.


no no no no, you misunderstood me, i want to be able to play oblivion at 1280*960 wit options on mid to high on my COMPUTER, i have a 19" CRT for my computer.

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if you're going to use the CS at all, or use any user mods, you're going to have to go for the computer. and even if you don't think you will now, you may want to, say, in 6 months to a year when the amount of user mods is on the rise. there's also sure to be TCs in the works shortly after release that won't be out for well over a year.


personally, i don't think you can beat a mouse/keyboard setup for a controller. if you prefer a gamepad, well that's your prerogative. it's true the xbox will have an edge up on your pc graphically, but personally i don't care too much about that. i'd say it's almost personal preference in this situation - whether you prefer consoles to pc's (or if your retinas demand that extra 10% graphical quality (and shader 3.0...which i don't think your card has - the radeon 800 is agp and i believe ati has shat on all agp users when it comes to shader 3.0)) Personally I prefer PC, but that 's mostly due to my living situation and my lack of desire to plunk $4-500 on a console for the time being.


I'm not going to say what to go with...just offering a few things to consider.

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ya, ok. Hmm i think i might get the 360 version because i'm a graphic angel, Even though i almost play the PC exlusivly, i'm pretty sure that the 360 version will look ALOT better than my PC.


and Marxist ßastard, i have to say that PGR3 and burnout 3 look pretty much better than anything my computer can do.


Playing COD2 at 1280*960 and stuff set to med barely looks as good as it does on my 360 setup.

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well you seem like a person who leans towards the 360; since you have the recommend reqs for the PC and a bitchi.n' setup on the vid, the choice is entirely up to you.


For me, I'd take the PC since looking at a 42" plasma screen would hurt my eyes after a bit. But the again, I only own a PC and nothing else, so we're talking of 13 years of gaming on the PC versus 0 on a console.

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