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Quite The Dilema, Should I Get Oblivion For Pc Or For The 360, You Hel


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Right, first off i would like to say hello to everyone here,as i am new. I know there must be threads like this so i aplogize.


Now my question is, should i get oblivion for the 360 or for the PC


i'll give you info on both


PC: specs:


P4 3.2 Ghz, with HT

1 gig of ram

radeon 800Pro 256 megs of ram, all AGP





I have it hooked to a 42" samsung plasma playing at 720P and it looks amazing, sound it hooked though optical cables



Now i am mainly a PC gamer, and love FPS on the computer (been playing CS for 6+ years now) but i heard that the 360 controller works amazing for oblivion.


I have never downloaded any mods for morrowind, so i'm not to sure that i would download mods for oblivion.


And oblivion is supposed to look (on a high def TV) just as good the 360 as it does on a $5000 top of the line computer. So i assume that oblivion will look like poo on my computer compared to my 360.


So being a pretty hardcore PC gamer, with my computer specs, it would be in my best intrest to get it for the 360 right?


Thanks guys.


Edit: i would not want to run the game any less than 1280*960 with everything on med to max.


I think Dilvish made a very relevent comment.


"If you can play the 360 at all hours of the day and night whenever you want to, I vote for the 360."


Its always a matter of personal prefrence unless you have no choice. Just imagine yourself sitting on your couch 1000+hours playing oblivion on the 360....


I am a PC guy, I can only imagine myself playing a loooong 1000 hour game like oblivion on my Personal Computer (its PC for a reason).... I have always felt consoles are much better suited to soccer, beta-em-ups, racing, arcade, action games.... Anyhow, thats just me.... and I also like my mouse/keybord too much I think.

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well damn, if i had a computer like yours i would get it on the PC. I just want to get it on the platform that will look the best. And i'm not entierly sure how it will run on my comp. I mean, there's HDR and everything, HDR KILLS your FPS. Man, i have to play DOD : S at 1024*768 just to have it run smoothly with HDR on, it's making me thing that i will have to run oblivion at 800*600
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Im not sure you should just block out the plugin ability like this - it really is all the difference in the world. In 2 years the community will have swamped the game with amazing plugins that replace textures, improve models, faces and even sounds nevermind beautifully rendered areas and quests and things. There are projects to create other areas of Tamriel by experienced modders and so many other things.


Last time in morrowind, I reinstalled the game without any plugins 2 years later and literally winced when I played. It seemed unbelievable to me how anynoe could play the game without the plugins I had had installed that visually changed the game so dramtically for the better along with everything else that improved the game. It will be the same in Oblivion.


Also remember - in a recent interview it was pointed out that with the next gen cards in the next two years along with DirectX 10 etc, PC users will be able to push the view distance even further. With technological improvements coming and people upgrading PCs, Oblivion will run even better. Not so for the XBox. So yes it looks nice NOW but compare to a good PC in two years and the story will be vastly different.

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Good call.

Right now, your system will run it. That's all that matters.

I don't even have that ability without my new power supply and video card, but that's not the point here.

Eventually, when you're able to roll around and upgrade your system, Oblivion will look even better with every better upgrade.

The XBox 360 has X specifications, and apart from being able to put in a bigger hard drive, it really has no upgradeability at all.

Besides, it's not really the graphics that drive a game. Especially TES games.

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i guess that the pc is going to have by far the bigger and more experienced modding community.


that in itself would be enough for me.


anyone even remember what morrowind was like without all your fave mods :) me neither.

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