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Spider Daedra Race


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first of all i know this is not the easiest thing to do but i believe it is worth the effort because of how cool the idea itself is , to be able to run around as a Spider Daedra kind of beast and how it could work i believe you could make it possible through a power similar to that of the werewolf or vampire lord , having a transformation . it would be necessary to take the frostbite spider and remove their face and put a human upper body on top of that but i believe this is obvious . people who have played Oblivion know what i am talking 'bout willis .http://th03.deviantart.net/fs48/PRE/f/2009/165/0/a/The_Curse_Of_Arachne_by_Yunners.jpghttp://th02.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2012/231/f/1/scorpion_woman_by_siakim-d5bpy1h.jpghttp://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120512204854/elderscrolls/images/8/83/Beast_oblivion_spiderdaedra.pnghttp://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/013/f/a/lolth_by_limsh-d5rfzxs.jpg

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  • 4 months later...

As an amateur, I'd imagine the simplest way to create this race is to combine the skeletons of frostbite spiders and regular humans, though it's still probably a huge b&@*$ to complete.


I wouldn't use this as a playable race, but I could dig it as a summon returning from Oblivion.

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Well there's already rideable spiders, I would imagine you could fake this by changing the riding animation by making legs point backwards or inwards instead of sideways, clipping inside of the spider. Then you'd have to add a headless, ride able spider.

Of course this wouldn't be very clean and you'd always have to play mounted so it would only be a temporary solution for screenshots really.

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