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Mod Suggestion for 3D animators: Breakables!!


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This just popped into my head a little while ago durring a heated battle in my head over puzzles and traps for my mod, but why hasn't anyone made "Breakables" yet? Yes, I asked it! Legend of Zelda fans rejoice, breaking jars for hidden jewels! Chests and dressers, lecturns, bla bla bla. They get the job done, yeah, but nothing quite gives you the satisfaction of being able to shatter a clay pot with a sledge hammer. :biggrin: Not to mention how unexpected that would be! The closest things to this I've found were crumbling walls and rock/log slides. :wallbash:
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Probably because it requires very specific knowledge of making and animating meshes, would be extremely hard to work off weapon attacks, and could not contain any items which are not pre-placed without causing serious game bloat. In short, not practical for this engine.
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