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GTAesgaard Problems + Oblivion Launcher Problems


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Okay... for many many months now my OblivionLauncher.exe has not worked properly, it will have a greyed out unhighlighted Play Data Options all the clickables except for the bethesda link and EXIT are unclickable. This used to be a problem.. for 5 minutes until i remembered i had oblivion mod manager. (thank god) Anyways, one, how the HELL did this happen, what do i do to fix it, and would it be considered illegal to request an upload from someone for the launcher.exe only which is 1.58 mb big. PLEASE DONT DO IT that question is for the admins. Id rather figure out how to fix it.


I do NOT have my original CD. I never got it back when i let my friend borrow it like 3 years ago. big mistake. Took me a month to figure out that i could get a fixed image burnt drive to play it without the CD. Thank god those are legal lol. Anyways, i am unwilling to pirate it in order to reinstall it, even if i did happen to buy it originally. SO i need to know how to fix it. (BTW i never let another person touch one single peice of original data ever again after that lol.)


Problem Two: For some reason when i installed Aesgaard it didnt really show up on anything. Couldn't find a file, but then again, i didnt unpack before i clicked the EXE. This never was a problem before but it very well could be. Anyways its not showing up in data or in obmm, but when i read the install notes it said to download to my oblivion directory. Im guessing it didnt mean /data, which is where i installed it. anyways it also said check my, very specifically, "Oblivion launcher and click data to enable". Well i cant do that.. because of the first two paragraphs. Any suggestions?


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.


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If you have OBMM its really not a problem pally... Oblivion .exe isn't needed unless you want to make a hard copy of the disk (Not advisable for copyright protection reasons). The OBMM launcher is actually better for anyone modding Obi anyways - Easier to install mods using OMODs and easier to re-arrange that all too critical (and bloomin finickity) load order.

The "Data Files" selection is simply the mod/OMod list in OBMM.

I'm not sure, but I have a sneaky suspicion that my Oblivion.exe may be greyed out when using the ISO image as well... I don't know 100% though because I always launch it through OBMM, or OBSE if I've not changed anything recently.



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