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Bleach Vasto lorde ichigo!!!please make him!!!


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whats up with you guys where is the friendly modder community when you most need it please guys common why not help a fellow game out i love fallout 3 but of course the experience could be enhanced thru such mods just imagine how much fun it would be to shunpo around your enemy and unleash hell on him with a cero standing right behind him etc. i mean i doesnt get anymore epic than that i know its lore breaking but who cares anyhow, thanks for reading and am waiting for somebody with a understanding mind and yes im 23 not some kid so guys dont start taling poo please ok
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i hope youre right but id say rather negative than positive because theres still to little bleach love going on i mean if youd have watched the anime plus up to the latest manga then youd know what im talking about ,just saying not to be offensive or anything o.k,thanks for the reply anyway bro
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this is just plane sad...


The simple fact is, it takes a very long time for a modder to get to the point where they can model, texture, skin, and import a full character into Fallout. Character design not only takes a lot of knowledge of 3D modeling, but a decent knowledge of human anatomy and how clothing falls over it. It also takes an insane amount of pateince.


Just simply makeing an outfit to make you look like Vasto Lordes Ichigo would take a good 9 or 10 hours of work from the best of modders, probly even more if you want it to be real high quality, with a high poly normals baked onto a low poly model.


I don't think you have any concept of the workflow of makeing a new character model.



But anyways, that is just simply makeing the outfit to look like Vasto Lordes Ichigo. I am not a scripting expert, but I am fairly confident that everything else requested in this mod is nothing short of immposible. The Cero would require new weapon animations, which arn't even possible in the GECK without replaceing other weapon animations.


you know the deal and if you could implement a reiatsu system so that when ichigo goes full hollow the reiatsu created would stun the enemies around you making them kneel to the ground thru the immense pressure and of course a custom screen effect just as you can see in the anime


And maybe, just maybe that one would be possible, but I really doubt it. But if it is possible, it would take such a high level of programming that you are pretty much out of luck finding someone who can pull it off.





and on an unrelated note, I don't beleive for a second that you are 23 years old


also, I have in fact watch a decent amount of Bleach, but I still have absolutly no desire to stop my own projects of my own design to work on copying some anime that doesn't even really fit the setting...

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thanks for the reply and for the explanation i know it takes a long time i was just hopping for somebody on this forum to actually be a bleach fan himself enough to commit such hard labor for himself as for the community thats what i was hoping for ill just have to keep on hoping thanks for the reply bro and yes i am 23 believe it or not age doesnt matter when it comes to things you enjoy
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thanks for the reply and for the explanation i know it takes a long time i was just hopping for somebody on this forum to actually be a bleach fan himself enough to commit such hard labor for himself as for the community thats what i was hoping for ill just have to keep on hoping thanks for the reply bro and yes i am 23 believe it or not age doesnt matter when it comes to things you enjoy


The problem is not that you asked for the thing, you can ask for whatever you want.


The problem is the constant bumping and wineing because no one will make it for you. It really just makes you come off as disrespectful.



Then again, I don't really care what you do, and you have zero reason to care what I think about you, so ignore me if you like, but my advice is not to get your hopes up and expect anyone to be makeing this for you anytime soon.



And I will go ahead and choose the option not to beleive you on your age, and it has nothing to do with the fact that you like Bleach, because I too have watched it from time to time.

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  • 1 year later...
I've also asked for a similar mod. Although my request was asking for companions that looked like certain characters, if anybody knows any guides out there that could teach me how to make these companions, I could try to make a companion that looks similar to him. As for his actual attacks, that would be practically impossible, but having the model of ichigo in game would be cool. So, anyone know where i can learn 3D modeling and rendering? :D
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