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Request : Higher point of view


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Hi there,


I really disturbing by the field of view in DA. I think it is to closed to the ground. Despite the fact we can't move the screen not far away the TeamP/PJ, I see in Redcliffe, that it is possible to have a higher point of view, a better altitude for the camera , Cf. Screenshot.



Is it possible to mod that?

If yes, could someone take in work?


If you don't understood that I tried to explain (French), I make shortly :


I don't like the altitude of the camera in tactical view and want to have that one:



I think I'm not the only who think the same about this. :(

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Well i dont know if its possible, i just know that if it would be easy we would allready have such a mod here, but there is none.

There where also requests for a free-cam for better taking screenshots and such things, but that also got no response.


so i assume that noone jet discovered how to do that or its not possible, but my knowledge of modding is not very big.

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Well i dont know if its possible, i just know that if it would be easy we would allready have such a mod here, but there is none.

There where also requests for a free-cam for better taking screenshots and such things, but that also got no response.


so i assume that noone jet discovered how to do that or its not possible, but my knowledge of modding is not very big.


What I think would be a big help for me anyway, would be to have some tilt when zoomed right out, even as little as 20-30 degrees.


Have a good one


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The tactical birdview is kind of useless if you play a mage or archer. Either it should zoom out more or it should allow something in between the bird and the shoulderview. As I am aware, the tactical view isn't higher because of performance issues with the game and that's why it is possible to move the camera around to see more of the battlefield. However, I do have a strong machine and so do others. I'm fairly sure this is something that is absolutely impossible to do in usual mods. One would need to edit/wrap the binary or poke around in the memory. This sounds challenging and since reverse code engineering is actually my specialty (nocd patches, trainers and the like) I might give it a shot but my time is currently limited. At the very least I will be able to collect data on the issue which may be helpful anyway.
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It doesn't surprise me TheMutator.


I feel that you was retro-ingeneer. :P


The ini of DA isn't very fill out. If we know the render engine, maybe we could do something, like in fallout 3. FreeCam/Higher view are possible, look at the screenshot. It was a "pseudo beug" but it's possible. Objects on the ground don't display because it's hardcoded or like I think, it's configured to display like that.

Of course, it will be harder for the computer to calcul the render, but, the production of DA have started 5 years ago. Our computer can take the sup. calculs in charge easily. We must "just" find how to tell the render engine to do such a thing. If you have some ideas messieurs.... on how to hack the render...


I hope someone can find it out. I would hope Bioware tell us how to do that.

In my opinion, it'll be more immersive and better to watch. So, maybe bioware will do?

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Instead of making yet another new thread with a mod request, I thought I could hijack this one somewhat since my request concerns the in-game camera as well. I've been missing the ability to better zoom in. There are a great many details in the game, be it on armors, weapons, faces and such, but every time you feel inclined to further explore the smashing textures, theres a slight obstacle, you can't. you have to somehow angle the camera down to the ground or onto a wall in order to get a somewhat close-up look as it currently stands. I'm not any moder myself, but I sure hope there is one out there that both concur with my thinking here and feels inclined in doing a little mod for this :)






Enchantment ?

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First I think you have to understand the main parts of the game mechanics:


1) Game Engine --> rendering, loading, saving,...

2) Script Engine --> core scripts command that scripts can use to "interact" with the game engine (show/hide things, move things, send command to things)

3) Scripts & Content --> scripts using the script engine to actual create content/playeable stuff on the engine i.e. the game or mods


Mods can only use the script engine, and are limited to whatever commands the script engine exposes, this can not be changed except when MODDING the script engine and/or game engine.


I pretty sure camera control is implemented in the game engine, since it hasn't have much to do with scripting.


It's highly unlikely there will be mods that actuall hack the engine any time soon, since the normal content mods are still even getting of the ground

And secondly, it will certainly NOT be supported by bioware and each patch from them will likely break such mods

Don't get me wrong, I'd like some additional camera freedom too, but I don't see it happening :)

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