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Script Check


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For all you script experts out there. Here's quick script I wrote that will carry out when a player picks recieves a mudcrab egg (custom ingredient). Basically I wanted to see if there might be a way to simplify this script that I am overlooking, or if it will even work at all.


scn gotegg


short eggs

short quest

short doonce


Begin OnAdd player ;begins when egg is added to inventory


set doonce to 0 ;to make sure this will run only once

set quest to GetQuestStage JM01 ;sets quest to the current quest stage


If quest == 20 ;run this if you are on stage 20 of JM01


set eggs to Player.GetItemCount "JMMudCrabEggs" ;sets eggs to inventory count


If eggs == 1 ;first egg picked up


MessageBox "I found a mudcrab egg. I should continue searching for more"

set doonce to 1




If eggs >= 20 ;after collecting 20 or more eggs


SetStage JM01 30 ;advances the quest

MessageBox "I have enough eggs. I should return."

set doonce to 1








Thanks in advance.

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Instead of attaching a script to the items, you are normally always better off performing this check by means of a quest script. Scripts on inventory items can occasionally cause problems and savegame bloat.


Within a quest script, the whole process can be simplified.


begin gamemode
if getstage <quest> == 20 && player.getitemcount <eggID> >= 1
setstage <quest> 25;; journal entry telling them to get more
elseif getstage <quest> == 25 && player.getitemcount <eggID> >= 20
setstage <quest> 30;; journal entry saying they have enough eggs


For linear quests that aren't repeated, queststages are usually the best way to go. Messages and item scripts only make sense if you intend to have portions of that quest repeatable, and even then you are best off using a quest script or single token item to handle the scripting instead of the item to be gathered.

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