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Dragon Age: Origins 1.02 Patch


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I'm reluctant to upgrade to 1.2. The cone of cold and blizzard spells are a fundamental part of my strategy.


The fixes don't really seem all that fundamental, although the extra mana regeneration sounds cool. I'll be waiting for a mod that un nerfs cone of cold, blizzard etc b4 patching


There you go:


Pre-102 Spells >>> http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=292

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It would be a good idea to not replace the whole "spell_singletarget.ncs" but simply strip it down to the spell one wants changed, apply the changes and then compile it with a different name which is then referenced in the "abi_". In this way one can achieve the highest level of compatibility.
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It would be a good idea to not replace the whole "spell_singletarget.ncs" but simply strip it down to the spell you wish changed, apply your changes and then compile it with a different name which you then reference in the "abi_". In this way you achieve the highest level of compatibility.


Thank you for the tipps, much appreciated, but i havent made that mod, i just located it and posted it for leapinglizard to see, sorry that wasnt clear from my posting.

Maybe you want to post that in the mods comment thread so the modder that made is is aware of it? =)


EDIT: Just saw you did that allready thx =)

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