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Most romances, if not all, I think, are more dependent on where you are in the game than anything else, even approval rating, and also on whether you have completed the character's personal quest or not. They act like every other scripted milestone in the game, they're designed so that they can't advance past a certain point at a certain time. They also seen to be quite dependent on how much time they spend in your party and which particular events they've been able to see and comment on. Your approval will increase just because of a romance anyway, it's not such a big deal, and it's probably meant to simulate a gradually strengthening relationship as it happens, not before it happens. You don't just suddenly get to sleep with Leliana or any other character, it takes a while and there's a few stages along the way.


I don't think so, i managed to get around 80 approval with Morrigan before even leaving Lothering for the first time, its all about how silver-tongued you are and if you got gifts.

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Okay I'm kinda hitting a brick wall here with Leliana. :wallbash:


I got Morrigan to 90 (love) and I just killed Marjolaine. After a couple of brief conversations with Leliana, she gave me the "I feel your special to me" speech, which I replied "I like you too, but its better if we stayed friends" then finished it off with "There's someone else."


The thing is, after the "we're just friends" talk I gave her, the conversation that followed was the part where Leliana demands my character to choose Morrigan or her.


I'm thinking that this is some sort of bug since I already told Leliana that I'm only her friend. Though I think a previous conversation I had with her was the cause. (the convo where she asks why Morrigan visits my tent at night and I lied saying we were just talking.) :whistling:


If I choose Morrigan, I lose 30 points with Leliana, If I chose Leliana I lose 4 points with her and 15 with Morrigan, then another 31 from Morrigan after being forced to break-up with her.


To sum things up, how can I have a relationshp with Morrigan without losing so much approval with Leliana. I don't mind losing a few points like 5-10 (That's what gifts are for).

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It kinda depends on if you want to stick to vanilla, or if you want to use mods. If you want to use mods go to dragonagenexus.com and click search. search for "polygamy". the polygamy mod will allow you to have active romances with more than one npc.

that way you can have morrigan and leliana. "Easy love" will also allow you to have romances with characters of the same gender.



Yes, be careful with the main gifts. Giving them at the wrong time can cheat you out of some quests, reduce the amount of points the gift gives you, and in one particular case... can have a BIG adverse affect on the relationship that you are having with that particular character. With the main gifts, wait for the character to mention the particular item. For instance (if it's possible, dunno... just using this as an example) dont give the antivan boots to zevran until he mentions the boots in dialog.

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I was hoping for a non-mod solution, and I always talk to my party. Except for Alister, saving him until I can complete the party and hear his views on them.


I just want to keep leliana liking me without getting the "Its either me or her" speech. -30 approval is devastating...I do suppose hardening her would lessen the approval drop.

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afraid that with leliana I cant really help, as far as which choices to make on her dialog. To be honest, I havent gotten her relationship to work. Tho I am trying her romance very late in the game. That and I think that polygamey might be in conflict with another mod, and not working.

I guess part of it also depends on how much you can afford to spend. Once you get to Olzammar and a bit in Denerim, there's shopkeepers that have gifts for sale. That however, is just going to keep her loyalty rating up. Once you break up with them, unless you restart the romance, any of the "extra feelings" that are associated with the higher levels, are gone.


As far as the OP, as to which characters are romancable, its

Alistaire, Morrigan, Leliana, and Zevrahn. (sorry for any mis-spellings, I've been playing DA for 5 hours now, lol). Wynn, and Sten are no-go. I think, not sure, but Sten may have a wife back home, and Wynn thinks herself too old to get involved. Dog and Shale are obvious no-goes as they aren't humanoid. Not sure about Oghren, havent had him long enough, and not enough interest.

I BELIEVE that Leliana and Zev are romancable by either gender, in vanilla, IE- both are Bi. Gotta watch Zev tho. If you mess him up too bad while his loyalty is still in the midrange, he'll try to turn around and stab you in the heart. Quite literally. Or..... as literal as a game gets, lol.

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I'm gonna try-out the polygamy/polyamorus mod and see if I like it. If not, then there's always the Mutator's mod that makes the party like me better and harder to hate. :banana:


My problem forced me to dump Morrigan before talking to Leliana (-31 drop there). Both good and bad, good because I still haven't unlocked Morrigan's personal quest and bad because even if I get her to mid 80's I still won't be able to...what did Leliana put it? "Wade through her swamp".


Still haven't tried hardening Leliana though. But if I decide that the polyamorus mod isn't my liking I may have to reload the save with Leliana accusing me of being intimate with Morrigan. No worries though, the only major thing I did during that and now was free Shale, kill Marjolaine and do some side-quests in Denerim. Marjolaine and the Blood Mages in Denerim are extremely difficult to beat when your party is still lvl 8-10.


As for the romance options, Leliana and Zev are options for both genders while Alister is strictly into women *he had enough of men inside the chantry it seems) and Morrigan who thinks other females are competition rather than co-conspirators.


Wynn is old, though that doesn't stop her from flirting with Alister, while Shale and Loghain seem to focus more on the task at hand (and the occasional side-quest) rather than adventures of the heart.


Bodahn is married to Branka, so he's already taken. But that doesn't stop him from flirting with the female warden, Leliana, Morrigan, and about any other female NPCs out there.

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You mentioned the polyamorus mod, so I had to go check it out. Sounds like it would be a really great work. Tho, the change in te party banter kills it for me. Thats half the entertainment, right there!


What changes in party banter? According to the mod creator, the jealousy banter should work. All the mod does is trick the script only when you are talking to a romance-able companion.

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There are 3 Andraste's Grace flowers.


Redcliffe Village, (beside the windmill - to the right of it)

West Brecilian Forest and in the Elven Alienage. I hope this helps someone that didn't know where to find them :)



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