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right now, you've got a few options. Use a mod like polygamy or the other one.

use a mod like da beguiler http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=205 that lets you systematically increase their approval ratings, but improves ALL their approval ratings

meta game items- http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13 which gives you gifts you can give them that will turn romance on/off and hardening on/off but May or may NOT remove the breakup flags from the game. I havent tried it with a character that I broke up with, to see how that would go.

or- use the da toolset to go in and edit your savedgames. which, you can edit the individual npc's approval rating, and IF you know what to look for, can edit out the flag where they broke up with you. THAT takes a lot of hunting thru their scripts tho, to find out which flags are the ones that are set for event. so even tho I mentioned it, I DONT advise it, but advise that if try it, to backup your savegames first.


But, because you said that you dont really want to use mods..... then, well, you're pretty much STUCK with the vanilla game mechanics. And running vanilla, they dont like sharing. The vanilla game's gameplay is BASED on making choices. and taking the consequences of your actions. This falls into that category. Choose which one you want.

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Yeah, I already used the Polygamey mod to prevent the confrontation conversation. But I was looking for choices in the early game that would make Leliana accept my friendship offer when she talks to me about her feeling towards the MC. I kept saying "I just want to be friends with you". But after that convo, she demands me to choose Morrigan or her. Didn't she listen to the earlier convo? ⌐⌐


Anyway, I really think that me lying to her about why Morrigan keeps coming to my tent locked the later conversation.


BTW, Darkewolf...I'd like to think that Morrigan washed her knickers thoroughly after finding the half-eaten hare.

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Yeah, I already used the Polygamey mod to prevent the confrontation conversation. But I was looking for choices in the early game that would make Leliana accept my friendship offer when she talks to me about her feeling towards the MC. I kept saying "I just want to be friends with you". But after that convo, she demands me to choose Morrigan or her. Didn't she listen to the earlier convo? ⌐⌐


Anyway, I really think that me lying to her about why Morrigan keeps coming to my tent locked the later conversation.


BTW, Darkewolf...I'd like to think that Morrigan washed her knickers thoroughly after finding the half-eaten hare.


HAHAHA yeah, I would assume that she washed them as well. I just thought that it was funny, so that's why I wrote it in my sig like that ;) Especially considering what my answer was, during one of the play throughs :D


hrm, interesting. I would have to say that something is over-riding her relationship flag. Did you by any chance use love potion #9 on her? Or any other mod that would have caused her to "jump start" the relationship?

LOL IF this was a real-life situation would say that she's not satisfied with being just friends, but since this isn't.....


edit- I take that back. I just thought of another way. Again, love potion #9 from the Meta Game Items mod. Give it to them once, it sets romance active. Give it to them a second time, it sets romance inactive. And you can rinse and repeat as you want, so that may or may not give you the effect you're looking for. Dunno havent tried it.


Its definitely a possibility. some of those conversations adds flags to your game. those flags, dictating what some of their actions/reactions and such will be. Only ways that I KNOW OF, to cure it, is to either go hunting thru the scripts to find out what the flags are, and then edit them out of your save game, or to go to an earlier save, and just not do the conversation the same way.

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I wouldn't worry about it. Lose the rep with Leliana or Morrigan. It doesn't matter. There are more than enough gifts, and plot choices to get and keep both of them at 100%....even though in several cases, gaining rep with one causes you to lose rep with the other. A loss of twenty or thirty points takes no time at all to make up.
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  • 2 weeks later...

All of the Andraste gift items will help bring Leliana back up, but once you declare friends, you are through. Also, Morrigan likes jewelry. A few golden chains gets her warm and fuzzy again, but remember, she doesn't need to be.


Here is something I discovered:


Even with the Polygamy and Free and Easy Love (or whatever they are called) installed, one time Leliana gave me the "I see you are still with Morrigan" spiel. Well, what I did was played it out, but instantly reloaded a previous save, and this time it was not there. We managed to enjoy our evening by the fire and remain a big happy family.

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dont take my word for gospel on this, I'm just relaying some of the things that I've heard. I havent played it out myself, having a relationship with both of them at the same time. But from what I've heard, there's always gonna be snippets and comments between the two femmes if the warden has an involvement with both of them. I've heard that some pretty good party banter comes of it also.
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I think the key to successfully romancing the characters is being patient. As someone mentioned before, the game does not allow you to go beyond certain points before certain events occur. yes you can get Morrigan very interested and sleep with her early in the game, but still, not until you get past a couple of events and conversations that are instigated by events soon after Lothering. You can actually sleep with Morrigan at around 40 disposition if she is interested, but still it is only after certain events/conversations occur. Leliana can be tricky, but not really. She generally won't sleep with you until she is above 60 disposition, and only after certain events and conversations. you can't force some of these conversations simply by giving gifts and remaining in camp exhausting all over topics of conversations. I've had to leave camp, do other things for a period, and then re-visit many times to trigger certain things. You can kiss Leliana way before you can sleep with her, same with Alistair. The truth is that a companions disposition has only partly to do with events being triggered. You can have Leliana at 80 or 90 and still not have slept with her because you have not reached certain event triggered dialog. I've had Morrigan up to 65 before without having the join me in my tent option because of certain events which did not occur yet.


Regarding breakups...it is possible to re-enter a romance that you ended with certain triggers. I've chosen Leliana over Morrigan before, taken the disposition hits from both, and entered a friends only relationship with Morrigan, only to re-spark the romance again by giving her the mirror later in the game and complimenting her on her beauty. this of course sets off another sequence of being confronted by either her or Leliana about you being the two timing male without a father that you are, lol, and yet another significant hit disposition. I'm actually currently finding out if there is a way around this second "hit" by doing things a certain way, we'll see. I've also heard, not tried, that if you break up with Leliana before you do her side quest with her ex gf Marjelaine or whatever her name is, that you can then choose certain post Marjelaine dialog to restart the romance again.


Strategy regarding those big disposition hits after a breakup. Leliana is the most forgiving, you will not get a huge hit from her if you dump her for another. Morrigan can make you pay dearly though. I've seen screenshots of ppl getting hit for over -70 points! lol. I myself have gotten hit for a -41 before, and a couple times been double hit for a -20 and then a -30 after a subsequent convo about it. So I keep gifts in a storage unit for just such occasions, particularly special gifts. You can do the grimoire quest for Morrigan to get her disposition up to begin with, but if you plan to dump her at some point..don't give her that mirror till afterwards! lol. same with Leliana, save those flowers, or shoes, or whatever till it's really needed if you know you are going to do something to royally piss her off. Alistair is harder to do with with since one of his special gifts is not available to later in the game, but keep a couple totems or statuettes for those times when you know you're going to do something particularly detestable.

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LOL, I broke up with Morrigan once, took the -15 hit for doing it and then later mistakingly opened the "Personal" chat line (didnt actually do anything though) and was forced to break up with her a 2nd time taking a -100 influence hit for the action.


Only bigger negative I ever seen was you FORCE Allistar to marry Anora via intimidation!


he doesnt take that well and hits you with a - 125 (if memory serves me right) influence hit!


I love DA:O influence system!


Can you imagine how great it would have been if you had to get like a 80% influence to earn the loyalty quest in ME2 (which should give you 10% influence upon complettion). Suddenly conversations and what you said, how you said it, and what you did to each character and others would have mattered in the game rather then being totally scripted and linear like it was.


Ahhhh RPG nerds dream on what could of been!

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Can you imagine how great it would have been if you had to get like a 80% influence to earn the loyalty quest in ME2 (which should give you 10% influence upon complettion). Suddenly conversations and what you said, how you said it, and what you did to each character and others would have mattered in the game rather then being totally scripted and linear like it was.


Ahhhh RPG nerds dream on what could of been!


Well i'm actually glad there was at least loyalty. The first mass effect didn't have that either...

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